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The Outlaw Finds A Bride
The Outlaw Finds A Bride
The Outlaw Finds A Bride
Audiolibro3 horas

The Outlaw Finds A Bride

Escrito por Blythe Carver

Narrado por Voz Digital Mike G

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.

Landon Smith’s got a problem. He’s accused of murdering his dead wife. This has turned him into an outlaw, one running from justice. Only it’s not real justice. It’s the machinations of a few crooked individuals.

Landon needs help. The kind of help that only the West family can provide. He’s heard of the Wests. Who in that part of the country hadn’t? So he seeks out their help under duplicitous means.

Lucky for Landon, Rose West has taken a liking to him. And the feeling is reciprocated. But will she reject him after learning the truth? Will her brother Daniel West kick him out, or worse, turn him in to the law?

Fecha de lanzamiento2 ene 2024
The Outlaw Finds A Bride

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