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Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends (Spanish-English)
Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends (Spanish-English)
Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends (Spanish-English)
Libro electrónico47 páginas3 minutos

Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends (Spanish-English)

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Sharing a refreshingly contemporary, minimalist design, and beautifully expressive illustrations with its predecessor, Minutka: The Bilingual Dog, this book follows the adventures of Minutka— a teeny-tiny dog who is fluent in both English and Spanish— as she joins her animal friends to play outside on a perfect day. Butterfly, Raccoon, Mother Goose, Fox, Frog, and Coco the Cow are all on board as Minutka dances in the rain, plays in a mud puddle, marvels at an airplane, and pretends to be the Loch Ness Monster while swimming in her little pool. She also takes a ride in the car with her family and falls asleep in their bed at the end of a long, tiring day. Readers don't need to know Spanish (or even be children) to be entranced by this lovable dog. Minutka is more fun than ever with the help of her animal friends.
Fecha de lanzamiento30 may 2023
Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends (Spanish-English)

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    Minutka - Anna Mycek-Wodecki

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