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The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980
The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980
The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980
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The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980

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(Marielito; Exodus of Cubans in 1980)

By Esteban Burier

For all opponents of the Castro regime who went to comply with arbitrary sanctions;

for those who were executed by the Castro regime; deprived of any defense, innocent

of cases imposed by improvised courts; for those who were under the inclemency

of the murderer Ernesto (Che) Guevara and so many other lap dogs of the dictator

Fidel Castro; They are my deepest respect and admiration. They gave their lives

with a shout of; Live Christ the King! Long live free Cuba!


Narrates the childhood of a boy that never thought twice to make a decision,

committing many errors which took him, as consequence of punishment, to

many juvenile reformatories and at last to jail, where he spent part of his life.

The good education from his family did not influence on the boy, who does not

divert from his delinquent path. A supernatural strength pushed him to these

twisted paths to destroy and incarcerate him to where the stubborn are taken, to

where you are subject to many tests and you can lose your dignity and also your

manhood, depending on how weak or strong your personality is or if you allow to

be intimidated. This boy, since he started to reason in his first years of his childhood,

was a mean boy without regret and fought day and night in his neighborhood in

the town where he was born. His friends and enemies told him, “You are meat for

prison.” Let’s see if this boy survived in prison or if he was destroyed physically or

morally, or just what happened to him.

Like the birds that migrate in the winter and fly away from this island that the devil

rules, I want.;

But the sky of my native land, covered by spiderwebs is, and assassins it has.

To kill those who attempt to leave or to enter. Oh! God, you that listen to the


Remove the tyrant that governs as or give us the strength to kill the executioner

that enforces his will.

Fecha de lanzamiento17 nov 2020
The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980

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    The Wrong House - Esteban Burier


    The Wrong House

    Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980

    Esteban Burier

    Copyright © 2020 Esteban Burier

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2020

    ISBN 978-1-64334-206-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-64334-207-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Tabla de contenido

    Chapter 1

    Marieleto Exodus of Cubans in 1980

    Fort Chaffee


    My Stay in Puerto Rico

    Back to Miami

    On the Peoria

    Part 13

    I dedicate this book to my dear wife,

    for her constant support, without which

    I could not have been able to complete this work.


    The last week of December of the year 1958, Fulgencio Batista the President of Cuba, left the island and fled, leaving free entry on Thursday, January 8, 1959, to Fidel Castro and his troops. Intelligently; Fidel Castro joined with Russia, to get help from a powerful country. From that historic and cowardly alliance, that Fidel Castro made with Russia, The United States could not support or defend Cuba from any type of uprising that arose to overthrow the Castro regime. Because they could face a war with Russia. It should be noted that in addition to an intelligent and eloquent speaker, seducer of ignorant masses such as the populace of Cuba at the time. Fidel Castro was a mentally ill man, psychopath with a delirium to rule, cunning and a cowardly man! In advance he had drawn his macabre plan towards the people of Cuba. That he had no scruple to enslave his own people and slowly drown them in the greatest misery, economic, social and morals, making bank accounts abroad, with all the money he stole authorized in his government.

    In each block he organized a committee of defense of his Revolution and the snake reporters were on the agenda to inform any type of movement, who entered and left his own house. Parents against children, brothers against brothers, a chibatería (snake reporters) had never been seen in the history of Cuba. He drowned in blood every movement that rose against him and imprisoned many of those who helped him to enter power. betrayed them! The military fortress of La Cabaña, which had been used as a prison in previous governments and upon the arrival of the Castro regime, continued to have the same use. Fidel Castro and his government gave the command to a psycho berdugo, who was one of Fidel’s faithful dogs. He wasn’t even Cuban, instead he was an Argentine called Ernesto Guevara, nicknamed che, a murderous foreigner! Guevara pleasured in shooting innocent Cubans, who were wrongly prosecuted by arbitrary courts with a preset death sentence that left them hopeless. That man was so miserable and unlucky, he received what he deserved. Yes! You can say he was a scoundrel and a coward, because in one of his statements he said that he wanted to die with machine gun sounds and war cries. Instead it was the opposite, there in the jungle of Bolivia, when the soldiers had him surrounded and shot. He shouted and said, Don’t shoot! I am Che Guevara! I’m worth more alive than dead! That was worthless because they’re dying and helpless guarded by soldiers in a room, so they let him die worse than a dog. He received no medical attention. He had his death sentence, to let him die a painful death with no medical attention. That was the order! Just as he did, he received his payment! He received a shot that ended his life just like he had done to many innocent lives. To answer a biographer’s question, when he asks: what was Che Guevara doing there in the jungle of Bolivia, in that already dying room? Well, it was very obvious. Karma caught up with him, the cry of revenge of all those who he executed! There was his trap, the encounter with death that he didn’t expect. From that individual Che There is nothing good to say! Scoundrels like him, praise each other and admire each other. Fidel Castro, in his last words said to his brother, Why did I become a Communist? Evil and hypocritical cynical! He was never a communist, a socialist, or anything. He only used his power to squeeze the people, and it gives me courage and anger to say it: all his subordinates allied with him. To benefit from eating like pigs! From having the best canteens to cars, they received all the pleasures they wanted. Although, something that I can say is that in order to receive those benefits they had to be dogs! Faithful dogs of Fidel Castro from the highest grades, commanders, and even the private soldiers. The people lived in complete misery without having access to anything.

    I also want to mention that Fidel Castro was called The Horse. That nickname was given to him by his mother because he was brought into this world weighing 12 pounds. In Cuban humor, people began to say that if he was the horse, his mother had to have been a mare. It was forbidden to call him that as it became an offense that you could go to jail for. Fidel Castro was destined by God to be born to be the punisher of Cuba. His mother was not at fault for giving him the gift of life, the ones at fault were the midwives who helped him to be born.

    When I was a young boy, I listened to people say that the people of Cuba were sheep. At the time, I did not understand what that meant. Then, as time went by, I realized what he meant. They were like sheep taken to the slaughterhouse that did not groan as they were slaughtered. But this is not the case, the people were victims of a mentally ill person with a delirium of greatness and of governing as a madman that manipulated all his subordinates who were cowards also like him. They had panic in his murderous look and in exchange for welfare they obeyed him in everything, like dogs to his master. In every sense of the word welfare, they took advantage of everything that the working masses could not have access to. The only way of subsisting was the ration quota they gave per month and embezzlement from their workplaces. This crime was condemned.

    What else could the people do? Everything was rationed that was considered as economic, especially food. By simply taking a bunch of bananas down to the ground when unloading a truck, you were sentenced to 6 months of deprivation of liberty.

    At the beginning of the Revolution, those who did not sympathize with Fidel Castro, left for the United States. In the beginning it was easier to leave Cuba, but two years later he put what was called the iron curtains, nobody could leave or enter.

    Concentration camps were built, where they took thousands of young people that were forced to work, without pay as they accused them that they were antisocial, gay, lazy, and that they didn’t sympathize with the government. These concentration camps were called the UMAP. The acronym stands for: Military Unit Production Aid. A lie! A hit! The greatest abuse that has been committed in the history of the world. These young people were torn from their family, without any consideration and there they were abused, run over, and forced to work long hours in the fields or in construction of houses for cattle and pigs. They were under the custodian of ignorant soldiers. These soldiers who were called combatants, brought from the most remote parts of the Island. Especially from the east, in which they had no education, ways, or ethics. They abused the young people without the slightest humanity as they hit them with the side of the machete. Some were revealed to have disappeared or been killed. These soldiers are the ones who also work today as wardens in the prisons of Cuba. These soldiers are animals! They are trained to beat you up for any reason to implant terror in prisons and wherever they want, even on the same streets the police are brutal.

    Food was scarce and everything was rationed, there was no access to anything. The people began to suffer from hunger. While the government of Cuba helped other countries and all the products of Cuba were sent to Russia and other communist countries, the Cuban people suffered in utter misery and were unable to protest as those who locked them up in prisons and called them worms. Fidel Castro was the greatest traitor of all time because he identified the revolution he made, with that deed of the Glorious Mambises who fought against the Spanish government in 1895. He said that José Martí, the apostle of Cuba, was the intellectual author of the attack on the Moncada barracks. A vile lie! If José Martí was resurrected, he would have uprooted him from power by a traitor! An opportunist can also be an absolute dictator. If Quentin Bandera, the great Cuban Mambi fighter, from the Spanish era and friend of José Martí, would have risen and decapitated Castro with his very own machete. Yes, that army of Mambises would be resurrected. They would cry out of rage if they saw the island of Cuba being plunged into complete distress. They continued with the famous carnivals as a way to please the black slaves with a form of nostalgia. For a month, they danced in the streets and got drunk, so the people could dissipate their sorrows and forget their sadness. Although, the murmuring against Castro’s communism was always heard as they cried out, When will this hell end? Will it will fall or not? Is this man this ever going to fall? Many died without seeing this dream come true because even after 60 years this cancer hasn’t died. The people have forgotten about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Instead they praised their new idols. Blood sacrifices were made to the idols and they continued to worship all that religion that the black slaves had brought with them as even today they continue with the same ignorance. It is quite rightly said that ignorance does kills people. They have not submitted or bowed before God, the creator of the universe.

    Following the beginning of the revolution, the urban reform was created and they began to give away the houses of those who were leaving for the United States to those who were relatives of those who had participated in the revolution, such as fallen martyrs. To some, their houses were completely destroyed. The workers who participated in building houses were the ones to receive them, but in order to receive it they had to work thousands of volunteer hours.

    Things such as health, education, and free funeral service were also offered. Well, as a great Cuban comedian said, The height of a president is to kill a town of hungry people and give them a free burial. In Cuba the medical service is very bad. They treat a foreigner better than a citizen. You have to be of the high command of the communist party or have influence to be treated well. Otherwise they send you home without a treatment to die. And that of free education, is an insult! The young people take them to the field and work in the plantations cleaning the bed grass.

    From the first to the last speech given by Fidel Castro, in the Revolution Square in Cuba, and even until the last at the time of his convalescence, he only spread lies! A demagogue, was always an attack on the United States. As they were always brainwashing the people of Cuba, demanding more production and that everything was done for a better Cuba which was never seen.

    All Cuban artists, writers, singer authors, in one way or another have collaborated and participated in favor of the Castro regime. That is to say that they identify themselves as communists. Their art must be thrown in the trash. Butt kissers! Also, we shouldn’t rule out those who have belonged to the communist party and secret organizations of the Cuban communist government as they have now requested asylum in the United States. They declared that they are sorry because the Communist system was wrong! These dogs must be returned to Cuba. I do not understand how the government of the United States and the immigration department have violated all agreements by protecting communist agents who have confessed that they were wrong overnight. It is very be possible that they are serving as liaison and helping the communist regime of Cuba. First, they were bulldogs mistreating defenseless people in Cuba, and now they come here to say they were wrong. They acted as they were naive, but they don’t believe it themselves.

    The people of Cuba have to become aware and realize that is the same way that the power came into effect. This is the same way you have to overthrow it! Everything has an end, the government system in Cuba is worse than terminal cancer, it’s like gangrene on one foot. You have to cut it off in order to survive.

    Ernesto Guevara, nicknamed Che, was a coward and a murderer, a lapdog under the orders of Fidel Castro, who shot and killed thousands of Cubans, whom had the misfortune of being political prisoners in the La Cabaña military fortress that was used as a prison in the Fidel Castro regime. The bones of that criminal should be unearthed grounded with pork liver and served as dinner for dogs that were hungry for blood, as he was.

    Esteban Burier.

    My Roots

    The narrative which follows is true. The scenes were lived by me and by others that have crossed my path. All these scenes are part of my story in which the characters are fictitious, and any resemblance to persons now living is just coincidence or from the imagination on the part of the author, in this case me. I am the protagonist of this story, which I have titled The Wrong House: Marielito Exodus of Cubans in 1980 .

    I am Cuban by nationality. I was born in the province of Pinar Del Rio. My parents were humble, modest people, but they respected others and in return were respected by all. This belief was impressed upon me at an early age. But before I continue talking about myself, let me introduce you to my ancestors, to whom I owe my existence.

    Around the year 1880, when Cuba was still a Spanish colony, Elias R., a native of the Canary Islands, immigrated to Cuba in search of new horizons. At about the same time and coming also from the Canary Islands was a young woman named Marta, who arrived with her parents and a brother named Mariano.

    Fate united Elias and Marta in a holy matrimony and they had nine children, five sons followed by four lovely daughters. The second to the last son was Julian R., my father. He was born also in Pinar Del Rio on April 16, 1912. My father was fair and freckled and had reddish hair and beard and brown eyes.

    My grandmother on my father’s side, Marta, is the only one I knew as Elias had died many years before my birth. My grandmother was one of the kindest, most generous people ever put on this earth. During bad times when my father found little work, she took us in and fed us. She always had a smile on her face and I never heard a cussword from her mouth. Even when we were mischievous, the only thing she would say was, Boys, come and eat, or dinner will get cold. The house could be practically falling from our pranks and she would never say a thing.

    She had two beautiful cats that would only come to her to be petted. No matter how hard I tried, they would never come to me, much less let me pet them. They were like wild mountain deer. When my grandmother died in 1965, something almost magical happened. The two cats disappeared and never returned. They seemed to know that their mistress had died.

    This ends a brief account of my father’s family. The account is brief because it is not the principal objective of this narrative.

    My research into my mother’s ancestry has produced fewer results. I did find, however, the parents of my grandmother Nita, my great-grandparents.

    My great-grandfather, Richard V., was mulatto. His father was Basco (they are very fair in this province of Spain), and his mother was black. Thus, the mixture is called mulatto.

    A black woman married to a Spaniard has children with the fine features and light skin of the Spanish as these genes are carried by the man. On the other hand, a black man married to a white woman will have children with predominantly black features.

    Richard V. was the son of a Spaniard. Those who knew him have written that he was very light-skinned and with fine features. The black influence only showed in his hair, which was quite curly.

    My maternal great-grandmother was the opposite of Richard V. She had blue eyes and blond hair. Consequently, their children showed even of the black influence. Our black ancestry has not disappeared entirely, however, as my hair is very curly when I let it grow, and I am the fifth generation.

    I was always very curious about my family history and constantly asking questions. During a conversation with a lady that I visited often, I inquired again about my maternal great-grandparents. She told me that my great-grandfather Richard V. had been a mulatto. From that day forward, I studied everyone in the family, my aunts, my uncles and even my mother, looking for a trace of this Afro influence, but I never found one. Other people repeated what she had told me, and I also remember my father calling me mulatto when I was young. He would say it in a joking, kindly manner, I would appear to be angry and reply very seriously that I was not. I remember his smile when I answered him. It was the small, innocent smile of a child never a large grin or a burst of laughter. I can still picture this smile when I think of him and how he cared for us and our home.

    I left Cuba in 1980, and my father died at the end of 1985. All of us who have left our homelands live with the hope of returning to see family and dear friends. I will not see my father again in this life, but I will always carry the memory of his smile with me and know that his blood is flowing in my veins. I will now leave these sad memories behind and continue with my tale.

    Now that I knew the truth, I continued to question my mother about Richard V. She always answered simply that he had been my great-grandfather, but I would ask again and again, Yes, I know, but what was he like? Her reply was always the same: How do you expect me to know when I never knew them? Then I insisted that she must know more than me because she was older, but she would not change her answer. On one occasion I dared to insinuate that he had been a mulatto, and she became so upset I thought she was going to have a stroke. It was then that I finally understood that she didn’t want to know anything about her grandfather. She was perhaps ashamed of this fact and was not able to accept it. Many years have passed, but I have never returned to this subject. It is ironic, but I could never blame her for feeling this way.

    We all are aware of the racism that exists between white people and black people. The contempt that white people feel for black people is the same that black people feel with one large difference—the white people was long way back on top of the black people because unfortunately they were slaves. Thank God that people with freedom of thought made the abolition, and they became free. We always were free according to the word of God. He created all mankind in his image. Cuba was the center of slave

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