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Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Libro electrónico25 páginas6 minutos

Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore

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Información de este libro electrónico

What instrument can be made from animal bone? Do you know there's an instrument shaped like a musical note? What instrument was created by African slaves to express themselves?


Explore the answers to these questions and more with Musical Instruments from Around the World. Filled with bright illustrations and interesting facts, this book will entertain and educate readers of all ages.


Musical Instruments from Around the World explores unusual and fun instruments from diverse cultures and locations. Part of the Language Lizard Explore collection, this book helps readers discover the world around them. 


This title is available as a bilingual book in many languages and includes access to free lesson plans, English audio, videos, and fun activities to support multicultural education.


Advance Praise for Musical Instruments from Around the World:


"This is the resource I have been searching for! Most music appreciation resources for kids are Eurocentric, so it is very refreshing to have a resource that introduces kids to instruments around the world, using kid-friendly language and wonderful visuals." - Leanna Guillén Mora, homeschooler,  founder of Multicultural Kid Blogs


"This book provides concise, informative descriptions of nine musical instruments originating from different parts of the world. Each description includes text in English and a second language, and each page has a colorful illustration, making this book a useful resource for ESL students. In addition to learning English, the reader will learn about the history of these musical instruments and gain an appreciation for the music of other cultures."  - Mary Sanders, Chief Librarian, Morris County Library


"I loved reading about the different instruments from around the world and the history behind each one of them.  The illustrations and fun descriptions will inspire many young future musicians.  As a music teacher, I highly recommend this book for your child!" - Wyman Wong, Middle School Instrumental Music Teacher, Basking Ridge NJ

Fecha de lanzamiento25 jul 2022
Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore

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    Musical Instruments from Around the World (Spanish-English) - Emily Kobren

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