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Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos: How the Caribbean Sea Was Born/Como Se Creó El Mar Caribe
Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos: How the Caribbean Sea Was Born/Como Se Creó El Mar Caribe
Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos: How the Caribbean Sea Was Born/Como Se Creó El Mar Caribe
Libro electrónico34 páginas11 minutos

Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos: How the Caribbean Sea Was Born/Como Se Creó El Mar Caribe

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Cuentos de los dioses taínos: como se creó el Mar Caribe es una divertida fantasía profusamente ilustrada basada
en el misterioso mundo mitológico de los indios taínos de Puerto Rico y las Antillas Mayores. La trama está inspirada
en la obra de Fray Ramón Pané Relación Acerca de las Antigüedades de los indios (1494-98), que formó parte del
diario de Cristobal Colón.
Las ilustraciones del cuento, por el fenecido joven pintor puertorriqueño Juan Negrón, fueron elaboradas mediante un
guión visual del autor. Incluye además el autor un educativo glosario ilustrado.

Tales of the Taíno Gods: How The Caribbean Sea Was Born, is an entertaining fantasy, based on the mysterious
mythological world of the Taíno Indians of Puerto Rico and the Greater Antilles. The plot is inspired by the writings of Friar
Ramón Pané’s An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians (1494-98), which was part of Christopher Columbus’ diary.
The illustrations of the tale were painted using a visual script by the author, who directed the skillful brush of the late young puertorrican painter Juan Negrón. The author also includes an illustrated educational glossary.
EditorialXlibris US
Fecha de lanzamiento15 dic 2010
Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos: How the Caribbean Sea Was Born/Como Se Creó El Mar Caribe

Osvaldo García-Goyco

El profesor Osvaldo García-Goyco es doctor en antropología y arqueología americana de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Es autor de varios libros y sus ensayos han sido publicados internacionalmente. Professor Osvaldo García-Goyco holds a Ph.D. in American Anthropology and Archaeology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He is the author of several books and his essays have been published internationally.

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    Tales of the Taíno Gods/Cuentos De Los Dioses Taínos - Osvaldo García-Goyco

    Tales of the

    Taíno Gods:

    How the Caribbean

    Sea was born

    Cuentos de los dioses taínos:

    como se creó el Mar Caribe

    Osvaldo García-Goyco

    Copyright © 2010 by Osvaldo García-Goyco. 43394-GARC

    ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4500-9112-1

    Hardcover 978-1-4500-9113-8

    ebook 978-1-4771-7508-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission

    in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation


    Ediciones Zuimaco

    E-21 San Gabriel, San Pedro Estates, Caguas, Puerto Rico, 00725.


    Publication and Cataloguing Data

    Library of Congress

    García-Goyco, Osvaldo A. (Osvaldo Agustín), 1954-

    Tales of the Taino Gods: How the Caribbean Sea was born

    Cuentos de los dioses taínos: como fue creado el Mar Caribe

    /Osvaldo García-GoycoIncludes Illustrations

    1. Taino Gods: Caribbean 2. Picture

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