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Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi
Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi
Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi
Libro electrónico133 páginas32 minutos

Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



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The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi is a fascinating book that combines two disciplines – art and poetry – creating a treasure of lyrical poetry and strikingly beautiful paintings of mariachi musicians. The twenty four poems, written in English and skillfully translated into Spanish, were created in response to each of the twenty-four works of art in the book.
EditorialWings Press
Fecha de lanzamiento1 mar 2016
Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi

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    Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi - Steven Schneider

    This beautiful book sings with vibrant color and imagination the tradition of our mariachi music. The conjunction of poetry and art is presented in an elegant manner. The variety of poetic forms in this book is impressive. It is a masteful display of poetic virtuosity. The paintings are exquisitely rendered, and the poetry invokes the lyricism and magic of Mexico…. It will serve as a valuable resource in schools, libraries, and mariachi educational programs.

    —from the Introduction by Professor Dahlia Guerra Founder of Mariachi Aztlan

    The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi combines two disciplines to celebrate a third, thus creating an ekphrastic treasure trove of lyrical poetry and strikingly beautiful paintings, both inspired by mariachi musicians. The poems are written in a wide variety of poetic forms: sestina, haiku, villanelle, triolet, prose poems, dramatic monologues and free verse. In addition to works that express the romantic themes of mariachi music, these poems and paintings speak to the contemporary and historical social context of this magical musical tradition, including women who assert their voices and identities through their instruments and dreamers who live between two worlds.

    This book is dedicated to all mariachi musicians, north and south of the border, whose music transcends all boundaries.

    Este libro está dedicado a todos los músicos de mariachi, al norte y sur de la franja fronteriza, cuya música transciende todas las fronteras.

    The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi

    © 2016 by Steven P. Schneider and Reefka Schneider

    Cloth Edition ISBN: 978-1-60940-505-2

    ePub ISBN: 978-1-60940-506-9

    MobiPocket/Kindle ISBN: 978-1-60940-507-6

    Library PDF ISBN: 978-1-60940-508-3

    Wings Press

    627 E. Guenther

    San Antonio, Texas 78210

    Phone/fax: (210) 271-7805

    On-line catalogue and ordering:

    All Wings Press titles are distributed to the trade by

    Independent Publishers Group

    All materials and inks used in the production of this book meet United States standards for health and safety.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

    The magic of mariachi = La magia del mariachi : poetry / by Steven P. Schneider ; artwork by Reefka Schneider ; introduction by Dahlia Guerra ; Spanish translation by Edna Ochoa. Text in English and Spanish.

    p. cm.

    ISBN 978-1-60940-505-2 (alk. paper/hardback) -- ISBN 978-1-60940-506-9 (ePub ebook) -- ISBN 978-1-60940-507-6 (Kindle ebook) -- ISBN 978-1-60940-508-3 (library PDF ebook)

    1. Mariachi--Poetry. 2. Mexican-American Southwest Region--Poetry. I. Schneider, Reefka. II. Ochoa, Edna, 1958-



    Except for fair use in reviews and/or scholarly considerations, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author or the publisher.


    Soldadera with Violin (pastel)

    Introduction by Dahlia Guerra

    Waiting to Play

    A la espera de tocar

    Waiting to Play (pastel)

    The Long Camino

    El largo camino

    The Long Camino (pastel)

    Mariachi Femenil Brass

    Mariachi femenil trompetista

    Mariachi Femenil Brass (watercolor, charcoal, and pastel)

    The Magic Vihuela

    La vihuela mágica

    The Magic Vihuela (pastel and watercolor)

    The Mariachi Poem

    El poema del Mariachi

    Viva el Mariachi (pastel)

    Trumpeter Swans

    Cisnes trompetistas

    Two Trumpeters (watercolor and pastel)

    Soldadera with Violin

    Soldadera con violín

    Playing from the Heart

    Tocando desde el corazón

    Conjunto (watercolor and pastel)

    Lost in la Música

    Perdido en la música

    Lost in la Música (pastel)

    Ballet Folklórico

    Ballet Folklórico

    Ballet Folklórico (watercolor and pastel)

    The Old Man with the Green Guitar

    El anciano de la guitarra verde

    The Old Man with the Green Guitar (watercolor and pastel)

    Moonlight Mariachera

    Mariachera de luz de luna

    Moonlight Mariachera (pastel)

    Mariachera in Red and Gold Light

    Mariachera en luz roja y dorada

    Mariachera in Red and Gold Light (watercolor and pastel)

    Armonía in Green and Yellow

    Armonía en verde y amarillo

    Armonía in Green and Yellow (watercolor and pastel)

    I Will Return Again

    Volveré de nuevo

    Y Volveré (charcoal and pastel)

    Circle Dancers

    Círculo de danzantes

    Circle Dancers (watercolor and pastel)

    The Sound of Romance

    El sonido de romance

    The Sound of Romance (watercolor and pastel)

    Imperial Harpist

    Arpista imperial

    Arpista imperial (watercolor

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