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Voices from the Center of the World: Contemporary Poets of Ecuador
Voices from the Center of the World: Contemporary Poets of Ecuador
Voices from the Center of the World: Contemporary Poets of Ecuador
Libro electrónico188 páginas1 hora

Voices from the Center of the World: Contemporary Poets of Ecuador

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In VOICES FROM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD, Randall has gathered 25 poets born in Ecuador between 1926 and 1993. These include some cultural heroes of the 20th century, and many of the voices that define Peruvian political dissent. It also focuses on a new generations of poets, especially women and indigenous poets born after 1950. Especially exciting are poets writing in the Kichwa language, Ariruma Kowii (1961) and Lucila Lema (1974) who serve as custodians of indigenous knowledge and imaginations, at once political, historical, and ancestral. Margaret Randall's selection and translations are alert to the edges and cadences of an individual idiom, to the plural alignments with the long view of history, and to consciousness of the country's literary dynamism. Often overshadowed by the literatures of Colombia, Argentina and Chile, VOICES FROM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD brings the literature of Peru -- fully engaged in contemporary issues like human rights and climate change, yet infused with a wisdom drawn from its ancient mountain cultures.
Fecha de lanzamiento17 feb 2020
Voices from the Center of the World: Contemporary Poets of Ecuador

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    Voices from the Center of the World - Independent Publishers Group

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