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Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives: Fronteras: Dibujando Las Vidas Fronterizas
Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives: Fronteras: Dibujando Las Vidas Fronterizas
Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives: Fronteras: Dibujando Las Vidas Fronterizas
Libro electrónico130 páginas33 minutos

Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives: Fronteras: Dibujando Las Vidas Fronterizas

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Featuring 25 drawings in charcoal, conte crayons, and pastels, this handbook pairs portraits of people who live and work along the U.S.Mexico border with bilingual poems that have been inspired by each of the drawings. A testimony to the people of the Rio Grande Valley, these drawings and poems capture their spirit, their quest for happiness, and their struggles to overcome economic hardship. This remarkable book highlights characters such as the "young street musician," the "six-year-old street vendor," and the "wise woman with rings." Compassionate and aesthetically compelling, this record raises awareness about social and cultural issues associated with border life, such as education, literacy, and poverty, and fosters cross-cultural understanding.


Con 25 dibujos al carboncillo, al lápiz conté y al pastel, este manual combina los retratos de la gente que vive y trabaja en la frontera entre EEUU y México con los poemas bilingües que han sido inspirados por cada uno de los dibujos. Un testimonio del pueblo del valle Rio Grande, estos dibujos y poemas captan su espíritu, su búsqueda de la felicidad y su lucha para superar la penuria económica. Este libro notable subraya personajes como el joven músico ambulante,” la vendedora ambulante de seis años” y la sabia mujer con anillos.” Compasivo y convincente de manera estética, este libro despierta conciencia acerca de los asuntos sociales y culturales asociados con la vida fronteriza, como la educación, el alfabetismo y la pobreza, y promueve la comprensión intercultural.

EditorialWings Press
Fecha de lanzamiento1 abr 2010
Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives: Fronteras: Dibujando Las Vidas Fronterizas

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    Borderlines - Steven P. Schneider

    Through images and words, this book invites us to reflect, to consider the stories, the lives and realities of life on the U.S.-Mexico border. But it also impels us to dwell on our own work, asking us to tend to the wound that will not heal, to do work that matters.

    - Professor Norma E. Cantú from the Introduction

    Borderlands, la frontera – magical words that conjure everything from romance to revolution, mystery to mayhem. Without doubt, the binational, bicultural, bilingual region of the Rio Grande Valley is one of the most misunderstood places on the continent.

    Borderlines / Fronteras brings together images and stories, sights and sensations, in an aesthetically beautiful series of bilingual poems and drawings that portrays the people of the borderlands as they are seldom seen, peeling back the layers of fear and mistrust to reveal a rich and vibrant culture.

    Unlike the numerous statistical and ethnographic studies of the border, this book presents in art and poetry a poignant look at the diversity and dignity of a variety of people who live and work along the border, including Mexican street children, laborers, market vendors, beggars, and musicians.

    But this book is not only about cross-cultural understanding. It is itself a fusion between figure and figure of speech, a space where two art forms embrace each other.

    By taking this integrative arts approach, Steven and Reefka Schneider have made a unique contribution not only to our understanding of the border but also to the long tradition of ecphrasis, or writings about works of art.

    In a world where borders continue to be sites of conflict and mistrust, this unique book is a testament to the human spirit and its quest for happiness and fulfillment. Come with us to explore this region, this people, this rich and varied culture in the borderlands where las Américas come together.

    This book is dedicated

    to a future where everyone knows

    that the World is my Family.

    Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives / Fronteras: Dibujando las vidas fronterizas

    © 2010 by Steven P. Schneider and Reefka Schneider

    Cover image: Bryce Milligan, adapted relief map.

    Print Edition ISBN: 978-0-916727-65-9

    ePub ISBN: 978-1-60940-015-6

    Kindle ISBN: 978-1-60940-016-3

    Library PDF ISBN: 978-1-60940-017-0

    Wings Press

    627 E. Guenther

    San Antonio, Texas 78210

    Phone/fax: (210) 271-7805

    On-line catalogue and ordering:

    All Wings Press titles are distributed to the trade by Independent Publishers Group

    Printed in China.

    All materials and inks used in the production of this book meet United States standards for health and safety.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

    Schneider, Steven P.

      Borderlines: drawing border lives = Fronteras: dibujando las vidas fronterizas: poetry / by Steven P. Schneider; drawings by Reefka Schneider; introduction by Norma E. Cantú; Spanish translation by José Antonio Rodríguez.

        p. cm.

    Text in English and Spanish.

    ISBN 978-0-916727-65-9 (alk. paper)

    1. Mexican-American Border Region-Poetry. I. Cantú, Norma E. II. Title.

    PS3619.C44715B67 2010



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