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El arte de la guerra
El arte de la guerra
El arte de la guerra
Libro electrónico63 páginas54 minutos

El arte de la guerra

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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En esta época en que tantas personas creen que la solución a los problemas del siglo XXI es la violencia, esta obra es importante y necesaria, no porque sus reflexiones sean una invitación a practicar la guerra, sino porque para Sun Tzu la guerra es algo más que la simple fuerza bruta y la irracionalidad de la destrucción. Se trata del arte de evitar los conflictos: requiere de una sabiduría mayor, pero sobre todo, exige de nuestra parte una gran sensibilidad para detectar cuáles son las exigencias que nos demanda la armonía universal. Hoy en día, la filosofía de El arte de la guerra ha ido más allá de lo estrictamente militar, para aplicarlo a los negocios, los deportes, la diplomacia y el comportamiento personal. El objetivo de las estrategias es poner de nuestra parte las condiciones más favorables, juzgando el momento preciso para atacar o retirarse, y siempre evaluando correctamente los límites del combate.

Fecha de lanzamiento17 nov 2013

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was a an ancient Chinese general during the latter part of the Spring and Autumn Period. Also referred to as Sunzi or Sun Wu, the great Chinese philosopher and military general was revered by many generations of Chinese leaders to come. His given military name, "Sun Tzu" translates as "master sun", and was thought to be an honorific title. It has been speculated Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War during the Warring States Period, when China was divided and war was imminent. His profound insight on military strategy and expert leadership inspired nearly all who read his work, earning him a spot in history as one of the greatest military generals of all time.

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Pretty dull going, even by audiobook. The narrators were great, though, and there were times that the footnotes saved me.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I have read this several times in a variety of translations. This version is formatted like a poem and is a quick read. Interesting that Sun Tzu echoes many of the issues raised by Thucydides. I remember an Instructor Gunnery during my Regimental Officers Basic Course from the United States artillery beginning every lesson with: "Sun Tzu says...". And, "If a 155 round lands on a tank, the tank is toast". So much in such a short book and it was quite possibly written before Thucydides was born.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Indeholder "Making of Plans", "Waging of War", "Strategic Offensive", "Forms and Dispositions", "Potential Energy", "Empty and Full", "The Fray", "The Nine Changes", "On the March", "Forms of Terrain", "The Nine Kinds of Ground", "Attack by Fire", "Espionage"."Making of Plans" handler om ???"Waging of War" handler om ???"Strategic Offensive" handler om ???"Forms and Dispositions" handler om ???"Potential Energy" handler om ???"Empty and Full" handler om ???"The Fray" handler om ???"The Nine Changes" handler om ???"On the March" handler om ???"Forms of Terrain" handler om ???"The Nine Kinds of Ground" handler om ???"Attack by Fire" handler om ???"Espionage" handler om ???En glimrende klassiker om krig. Sun-tzu ved hvor ødelæggende krig er, så han foretrækker at undgå den.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book, to be honest. I just made a promise to myself I would read more classics and this was a short one to get in so I can reach my reading goal. However, I ended up really, really enjoying it. I'm not a soldier by any stretch of the imagination, but there is good, solid advice in this book that is still relevant thousands of years after it was written. It's worth a read for sure, and it's so short you can get through it quickly. I would recommend it. 5 out of 5 stars.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I read this and let my mind wander a little, but not too much. Invariably whatever I think about mixes with the words, and elegant, clear observations come out. It's like guided meditation.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    During a sermon, the rabbi talked about this book and said that it was really a philosophy on how to live life. When I started reading it, I saw that it really is a book on how to wage war. Definitely not what I expected and definitely not a book I would ever want to read.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is a great book.This ancient classic was written over 2,500 years ago by the legendary Chinese general Sun Tzu, being aa timeless masterpiece of interaction of power and politics this book teaches many good lessons to anyone who will ever have to command a group of people, in the workplace, in school, or on the battlefield.The Art of War is an ageless book that teaches human nature and how to deal with difficult situations in life and business.The lessons learned in this book can be allied to relationship, friendship, career and make you a more complete person in general. I I recommend this book to be read by all those who wants to succeed in anything they do, It is not just about lessons in war but can be used and applied for everyday life."The Art of War" is a must read.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Buen libro. Imprescindible leerlo para enfrentar retos de la vida
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Generalmente me cuesta hablar de ello... me cuesta expresar.. lo que el autor quiere decir.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    no es lo que yo esperaba. Pero aun asi es entretenido
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente y lo recomiendo que lean este libro sobre estrategias.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    No entendí el libro, pero en gustos se rompe el género.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Es un libro interesante. Convergen la espiritualidad con el dominio con los caracteres
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro, sabios consejos para aplicar en la vida. Lo volveria a leer.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Sun Tzu, foi um profundo conhecedor das manobras militares e escreveu A ARTE DA GUERRA, ensinando estrat?gias de combate e t?ticas de guerra. S?dito do rei da prov?ncia de Wu, viveu em turbulenta ?poca dos Estados guerreiros na China, h? 2.500 anos e era um fil?sofo-estrategista que comandou e venceu muitas batalhas. Com intelig?ncia e argumentos muito racionais, o autor exp?s a import?ncia da obedi?ncia, disciplina, planejamento e motiva??o das tropas. ? uma obra original e valiosa porque ? considerado o mais antigo tratado de guerra e hoje parece destinada a secundar a guerra das empresas no mundo dos neg?cios. A li??o que se tira da obra ? que a primeira batalha que devemos travar ? contra n?s mesmos. Para atingir uma meta, o autor ensina, que ? necess?rio agir em conjunto, conhecer o ambiente de a??o, o obst?culo a ser vencido e, ? claro, conhecer seus pr?prios pontos fortes e pontos fracos. A grande sabedoria ? obter do advers?rio tudo o que desejar, transformando seus atos em benef?cios. Em rela??o aos comandados, ? preciso manter uma disciplina r?gida, ser respeitado, ter prest?gio, ser temido. Para isso ? preciso agir r?pido ? medida que as infra??es ocorram. A superioridade num?rica isolada n?o confere vantagem, mas a determina??o de um l?der sim. A energia deste, ser? fundamental para a vit?ria, mas n?o se trata uma energia c?smica ou religiosa, e sim da vontade de agir e conseguir conquistar objetivos. Seus princ?pios podem ser aplicados, por indiv?duos no confronto com seus oponentes, ex?rcitos contra ex?rcitos e empresas contra suas concorrentes. Embora n?o se saiba ao certo se Sun Tzu existiu ou ? uma figura lend?ria, os escritos s?o de Se-Ma Ts?ien, do s?culo I a.C. e a tradu??o do padre Amiot ? a primeira vers?o que se conhece no Ocidente.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Classic, brilliant techniques put so simply. Yet, naturally, reading this as a modern day civilian, I applied it to my modern day battles such as in business, relationships, Los Angeles traffic...the typical. As a naturally paranoid person, I feel it did me more harm than good. In addition, I prefer to (perhaps ignorantly) avoid seeing things as if they are wars. Some things will never change though because I will always act shy and giggle right before I slaughter my enemy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    It's amazing that this advice is still quite relevant 2500 years after the fact. Some of it, of course, isn't, but that'll happen. The historical allusions in Giles' translation/commentary are pretty useful, though occasionally it gets really deep into Chinese history and you forget who you are and what you're reading. What dynasty are we in again?
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Another translation (Ralph Sawyer) and lots of background history & hints of textual analysis - but fails to grab.Read July 2006
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    There was a lot of repetition in this book, but maybe it's to enforce some of the most important things to remember when conducting a war.

    I was surprised by how much from this ancient text seems applicable today. I guess that can be chalked up to the knowledge and foresight of Sun Tzu, as well as our sad inability to change our violent ways.

    One particular bit of text seemed particularly relevant:

    When the army engages in protracted campaigns the resources of the state will not suffice.

    Good advice.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Don't like this edition. The history is boring and confusing (chi, Ch'i, ch'i all mean different things) 1 star for the edition and history part.

    The actual Art of War is good. 3 stars.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Inspiration comes from many places and The Art of War is one of those books mentioned frequently in my circles. It's one of those books I've been meaning to get to for years and, while I am not sorry that I finally got to it, its usefulness to me is limited.Most of the non-strategic advice is good leadership advice. Things such as being a leader means setting the standard for how the work should be done, including getting one's hands dirty with the lowliest tasks. I've read plenty of stuff about leadership, and setting the example, that there really wasn't anything new for me here.Since I'm not interested in military strategies, the rest was dry.From a strictly historic perspective, I can understand the importance of this treatise. But as an outstanding example of leadership and strategy in the 21st century? I'm not seeing it.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A classic! Well worth the read, and looking forward to reading again in the future.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Everyone should read this.

    It tells you as much about motivation and human compunction than any other book Ive ever read. This should be required reading for teachers, businessmen, cops, everyone that every has to deal with a group of people in a possibly hostile setting.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    The original book was interesting but the commentary portion of the book was insightful. I liked hearing perspective on Master Sun's work from other ancient military leaders.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Tactics and strategies that apply to everyday life. This book is excellent reading to make you think about how to deal with the day to day struggles of life. It helps you position you versus your opponent. Your opponent need not be any one person. It could be a corporation. It could be an establishment. It could be a situation you are facing. I was once told that what you get out of a book is the effort you put into a book. It is my hope that this book can help someone master how they deal with day to day life. Let me know what you think. By the way, how many Enron or Worldcomm employees do you think read this book?

    On another note, I would ask that you do not take this book literally. It is laced with allegory and a ton of symbolism. Please take its contents and apply them to your life for the good of all.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A great translation. That was meant to be funny since I don't read Chinese and can't possibly really know how good his translation is. However, this is a great book and belongs right next to your other war strategy greats.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The version I have also has a second section for commentaries on all the passages. It's an incredibly useful and insightful book, and not necessarily just for literal war.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Very fundamental axioms of strategies put forward by an ancient Chinese general. Influential even today not only in military matters but in the business world as well.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Fascinating. My particular copy (an audiobook) included modern comparisons between each chapter which was horribly annoying. The observations in the book maintain their usefulness to the present.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    yo lo tengo y me encanto

Vista previa del libro

El arte de la guerra - Sun Tzu


Sun Tzu dijo:

El arte de la guerra es de importancia vital para el Estado. Es el terreno de la vida y la muerte de todos: civiles y militares, el camino a la seguridad o la ruina. Su estudio no se puede dejar de lado por ningún motivo.

Se debe planear por medio de cinco factores que deben ser tomados en cuenta en las deliberaciones, y analizar las condiciones de cada uno de ellos. Esos factores son:

El primero,Tao, el Camino del Universo.

El segundo,Tien, el Cielo.

El tercero, Di, la Tierra.

El cuarto, Jiang, el General.

El quinto, Fa, el Método.

El Tao hace que la gente esté por completo de acuerdo con su gobernante; así lo seguirán a riesgo de sus vidas, no les importará ningún peligro.

El Tien significa día y noche, frío y calor, tiempos y estaciones.

El Di comprende distancias grandes y pequeñas; peligro y seguridad; terreno abierto y pasos estrechos; las posibilidades de vida o muerte.

El Jiang abarca las virtudes de sabiduría, sinceridad, humanidad, coraje y el ser estricto.

El Fa comprende el ordenamiento del ejército, las graduaciones o rango de los oficiales, el empleo del Tao y el control preciso de los gastos militares.

Estos cinco tópicos le deben ser familiares a cada general; aquel que los conoce obtendrá la victoria; quien los conoce no fallará.

Cuando se busca determinar las condiciones militares, estos cinco factores se deben analizar con siete consideraciones:

1) ¿Cuál de los soberanos tiene Tao?

2) ¿Cuál de los generales tiene la mayor capacidad?

3) ¿En quién recaen las ventajas derivadas del Cielo y la Tierra?

4) ¿De qué lado se refuerza la disciplina más vigorosamente?

5) ¿Cuál ejército es el más fuerte?

6) ¿Dónde están los oficiales y los hombres mejor entrenados?

7) ¿En cuál ejército yace la mayor constancia, tanto en recompensas como en castigos?

Por medio de estas siete consideraciones puedo prever la victoria o la derrota.

El general que sigue mi consejo y actúa de acuerdo con él, de seguro que vencerá; ¡debe ser mantenido en el mando! El general que no sigue mi consejo y no actúa de acuerdo con él, de seguro que será derrotado; ¡debe ser despedido!


Si se sigue el beneficio de mi consejo, debe proveerse también de cualquier circunstancia favorable por encima y más allá de las reglas comunes. La Dirección consiste en seguir las ventajas y ajustarse a ellas.

El arte de la guerra se funda en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando se está en condiciones de atacar, se debe parecer incapaz. Cuando se usan las fuerzas, se debe parecer inactivo. Cuando se está cerca, se debe parecer lejos. Cuando se está lejos, el enemigo debe creer que se está cerca.

Debes saber que el enemigo es codicioso. Por ello, se muestran carnadas para incitar al enemigo. Se finge desorden y se le aplasta.

Si el enemigo está seguro, hay que estar preparado para él. Si es superior en fuerza, hay que evitarlo. Si el oponente es de temperamento colérico, hay que irritarlo. Hay que simular ser débil para que se vuelva arrogante. Si el enemigo desea estar cómodo, no hay que darle descanso. Si sus fuerzas están unidas, hay que separarlas. Hay que

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