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Tr3s: Hay pecados que sería mejor no descubrir
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Tr3s: Hay pecados que sería mejor no descubrir
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Tr3s: Hay pecados que sería mejor no descubrir
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Tr3s: Hay pecados que sería mejor no descubrir

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rústica.

Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da tres minutos para confesar tus pecados. Si no lo haces, va a hacer volar en pedazos el automóvil que estás manejando. Así empieza una pesadilla que se va desarrollando con consecuencias cada vez más graves. Una novela imponente que trata de lo bueno, lo malo y todo lo que hay entre ambos, Tr3s es una historia de suspenso psicológico que arranca a plena velocidad y tiene al lector desbalanceado con curiosidad hasta la última página.

EditorialThomas Nelson
Fecha de lanzamiento3 may 2010
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Tr3s: Hay pecados que sería mejor no descubrir

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Thr3e by Ted DekkerKevin gets an alarming phone call while driving home one day. He has three minutes to tell the world his "sin" or his car will explode. He continues to get threatening calls, with impossible to answer riddles and dire consequences if he does not comply.A fast paced psychological thriller with an intense original plot. The characters are well developed, especially Kevin. With descriptive details, intense dialog, secrets revealed, twists and turns. I was on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend Thr3e to those who love a great psychological thriller.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    "Kevin Parson is driving his car late one summer day when, suddenly, his cell phone rings. A man who identifies himself as Slater speaks in a breathy voice: You have exactly three minutes to confess your sin to the world. Refuse, and the car you're driving will blow sky high.Kevin panics. Who would make such a call? What sin? Kevin ditches the car. Precisely three minutes later, a massive explosion sets his world on a collision course with madness."THR3E is a really great thriller/romance with Christian themes. It is hard to put down and even harder to forget...wonderful characters and fantastic twists that will leave you guessing right up until its shocking ending. :D
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A fast paced novel with a Christian theme. The suspense kept me hooked throughout, and I thought it had a satisfying ending.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Here we have your typical suspense thriller novel where we find ourselves following along as the protaganist tries to discover a serial bomber / killer before anyone is killed. We start off fast with the killer calling the victim and telling him to confess his sin in three minutes or his car will be blown up. From here we follow increasingly violent episodes all the while trying to determine what this sin is he should be confessing. While I found this enjoyable and a quick read, there was nothing that special about this novel that will make me remember it in a few months time. There was a twist at the end that isn't that difficult to figure out if you're paying attention. The twist was interesting and made sense within the context of this novel, but it's execution was a bit disappointing as it was just too easy to see coming from far away. Despite that, not a bad novel and not a bad way to spend a weekend.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Very suspenseful. For some reason I've been picking up a bunch of "freaky childhood" books lately and this one is certainly in that category. One complaint is that the author doesn't quite play fair moving between fantasy and reality.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Plot Summary: What happens, When & Where, Central Characters, Major ConflictsKevin Parson receives a threatening call on his cell phone--telling him that he has 3 minutes to confess his sin, or a bomb will go off in his car. Kevin manages to avoid the explosion, but the calls continue, as does the violence. What sin could the caller be referring to? Is there a serial killer on the loose, or is there another explanation? As Kevin and a childhood friend named Jennifer probe these mysteries, they uncover many hidden secrets from Kevin's past, but nothing seems to explain why the killer is targeting Kevin--unless the answer lies within Kevin himself.Style Characterisics: Pacing, clarity, structure, narrative devices, etc.The suspense never lets up, and the reader is kept guessing from the initial phone call to the twist at the end. The clues and riddles that the killer leaves add to the puzzle and fun of trying to figure things out. . He also creates some bizarre characters--like Kevin's extremely unbalanced family--that contribute to the creepy factor. But Dekker also builds the motivation of the crime on a spiritual/theological underpinning that allows him to exlore deeper issues.How Good is it?The perfect blend of suspense and something deeper.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    My first Dekker experience. Even though I heard it was a bad movie, the book was quite thrilling.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book is one of my favorite books. It such a good book. It is nothing like the movie. Man, all I can say is that its just one of the best books ever!!!!!!!!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    this is a very very good book it is about a guy who is in college and he gets a call and the person says you have three minutes to confess your sin to the world or your car is going to blow up this guy must have been freaked out comment me about this book
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    My favorite Ted Dekker book. Have read this one a few times. Also check out the movie.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Now this was my kind of story! Ted Dekker has done it again with this action packed thriller. Reminiscent of ‘Fight Club’ with suspicions of a split personality at work, the ending was still a total surprise, even when I thought I had it figured out. Bravo! A seminary student starts getting threatening calls from a psycho killer who speaks in riddles. Kevin has to solve the riddle before something bad happens (usually a bomb). He never manages to figure it out and ... you guessed it - car bombs, bus bombs, house bombs - keep going off all over the city. Jennifer, a beautiful federal agent, is on the case (for personal reasons), and Kevin's childhood friend Samantha also offers to help solve the mystery. The plot thickens BUT ... this is so not your typical suspense thriller. I loved this book. I can't say more without blowing it, except to say, read this book!
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I read this because it was recommended on The Ultimate Reading List, which I've been working through. It was listed in the "Inspirational Fiction" section (the Christian Fiction) section, but one of the fairly good things about it is it's not at all preachy even though the man-in-peril in this one, Keven Parson, is a seminary student. The bad thing though is that its basically a routine suspense/thriller with a twist--that... Well, I didn't see it coming, but once it arrived I rolled my eyes, because it is so cliched, yet unrealistic it falls into the evil twin sort of plot. The writing isn't anything special--Koontz and King are both better stylists and better at drawing out the suspense. And in terms of the spiritual message, well, Dekker is no C.S. Lewis. The love interest was predictable, and because it's Christian Fiction we have to believe in a 28-year-old male virgin and sexual tension over a kiss on the cheek, and an evil villain whose worst swear word is "puke face." Have to give it points for it making me read it to the end though--because I was interested in the secret of Kevin's upbringing.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The battle between oneself.... Dekker describes this battle in a way that is hard to imagine, but amazingly written and destined. Dekker could very well be one of the best thriller writers...period! This is my first read of Dekkers and I will thoroughly enjoy reading more of him. This book sent chills down my spine and nectar to my brain!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Flawed but intriguing, Dekker's Three examines the duality of man and our battle against the evil within. Add a plus for an ending many will consider a surprise.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book impressed me which is fairly hard to do as far as books go. I couldn't put it down, and was satisfied and torn up by the conclusion all at the same time. I loved it!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I thought it was a good book. I enjoyed it. I wasn't crazy in love with it. I read it for my class, as we were required to read a Christian Fiction book. I could care less for the Christian references and missed the nitty gritty stuff that Christian Fiction just wouldn't have, but otherwise it was good. It was almost written at a young adult level too, which I had mixed opinions about.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A young man named Kevin Parson is a seminary student at the Divinity School of the Pacific, South in Long Beach, California. Keenly intelligent, with a mysterious past, it has been said that he views the world through the eyes of an adult with the innocence of a child. His parents died in a car accident when he was one years old, and he was raised by his Aunt Balinda and her husband Eugene with his cousin Bob, 8 years older and mentally handicapped.One afternoon, while driving home from school, he receives a telephone call from someone who calls himself Slater. If he doesn't confess his sin to the world, the car he is driving will explode in exactly three minutes ... and it does.Enter Jennifer Peters, FBI special agent, whose brother Roger was killed by someone known as The Riddle Killer three months ago. This killer leaves a riddle to solve in a specified period of time (as did Slater); when it's not solved, someone dies. Jennifer had been working on the case, and when she got too close, The Riddle Killer took someone in her family. She takes a personal interest in Kevin's case because of this.We also meet Samantha (Sam), Kevin's only childhood friend. Her father was a cop, and now she works for the CBI. She is on leave from her job because she just moved, and when Kevin calls her, she responds and starts working the investigation as well.As more riddles come in, Sam and Jennifer race against the clock to find Slater and to stop him before it's too late.This was my first foray into Dekker's writing, and because so many people love his writing, I expected to be pulled in right away. We have a possible serial killer, a family with dark secrets, and a handsome protagonist whose naivete' draws Jennifer into caring a little too much for him.As I read, the story felt implausible at best. The attraction that a seasoned FBI agent felt for a victim that she didn't know; Kevin's character, the dialogue, even the action .. I just rode the surface and never felt involved with the story or it's characters. It felt a bit forced to me, and I was always conscious that I was reading a story (Hardcore readers will know what I mean by that). There is a twist near the end that I almost didn't see coming, but even there, the pacing seemed off. I know that this one was made into a movie, and I can't help thinking that in this case, the movie was probably better.Although this book was not for me, I seem to be in the minority on this, so I invite you to visit the Amazon and/or Goodreads pages for other reviews. QUOTESThank you, Aunt Balinda, for sharing this with me. I am nothing. Thank you, you lousy, sick, twisted auntie for slamming this nugget of truth down my throat. I am nothing, nothing, nothing. Thank you, you demon from hell for gouging out my eyes and pounding me into the ground and ....Turn the other cheek shouldn't apply to sick sewer rats with knives in their hands who licked neighborhood girls' windows.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great story. Great action that keeps you wanting to turn the last page. The mark of a good book is one that keeps you guessing to the very end and in the end you find out that you never had it right in the first place. 
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    By all accounts, I should have figured this one out. It was twisty, yet familiar; shocking, yet predictable. That alone deserves three looks from me. I think I may have dated Kevin years ago. A mild-mannered man-child who simmers just below the surface. After reading Thr3e, I am glad I shed myself of him.

    This was a very fast book for me to read. My eyes flew over the words without compromising my comprehension. I think that fully describes the depth of the novel. It is not Sherlock Holmes by any stretch, but is entertaining enough for me to read more by this author over time.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Sadly, completely predictable.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I adore Ted Dekker's writing and I saw this one at the store the other day. I saw the author's name and the cover and knew it was going into my basket. I was not disappointed! As usual, the writing was thrilling, creepy, and fast paced. I read through the book in no time as I just could not put it down.The story itself is about the timeless battle between good and evil and Dekker put his twist on it. If you like a creepy and suspenseful psychological thriller then this is one to read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    THR3E is an unusual book, to say the least. While it begins like many movie-style plot lines – man gets a phone call, do something or something will blow up – nothing is quite as it seems in this mysterious story that explores the connections between good and evil in the life of each fallen human being. I see that the book actually has been made into a film (no wonder I kept imagining it as a movie!), but I haven’t seen it myself.Originally released in 2003, the mass-market paperback is now hitting shelves in bookstores. This is a ‘clean’ mystery/suspense read; there isn’t any cursing or explicit sensuality, though there is violence, darkness, and a disturbing history of a warped childhood. Still, it isn’t explicit or TOO scary in my opinion.There are some faith-based themes here obviously, with the struggle between good and evil being the obvious one. There are also explorations of adoption with God as a father, personal vs. abstract faith, and others. However, this isn’t mainly an exploration of personal faith, and when Dekker does attempt to pull that into focus momentarily it quickly slips into the background and doesn’t weave through the rest of the novel.Due to the surprising plot twists it’s difficult to go deeply into the plot of THR3E without revealing spoilers, but it certainly is a mind-bending read that will have you wanting to go back and read it through again once you’re finished. I will say though, that the focus on action and suspense does leave a little something to be desired in the realm of character development. I never truly saw Kevin’s genius (our threatened hero) though it was repeatedly referred to, nor did I find Jennifer’s (the lead FBI agent) closing responses believable.THR3E will definitely have you looking at the world through a different set of lenses for days to come after you finish reading it.Reviewed at
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Thr3e was the first Dekker book I read. Afterward, I was completely hooked on his books to the point of obsession. The book had me feverishly turning pages as the pace was fast and intense. It is a race against time as Kevin's horrific past is unleashed by a psychotic killer. Kevin must race to stop numerous bombs all the while trying to hunt down this killer from his past. The book had me hooked and guessing until the very last page! Excellent read!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    This is a top notch thriller that had me absorbed in the story from page one. Dekker is great at heightening the suspense and really keeps the reader guessing. During the time I was reading this, I felt some of the scenes were a little long, especially at the end when two of the characters are debating the evil nature of man. Afterward, I read somewhere that this novel is considered Christian fiction (shocker) and then the debate made sense. Though it was still a tad too long, especially that late in the book, when you just want to know who the killer is.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book was excellent!!! I cant believe the twist, TED DEKKER is deffinetly my new fav author ! Looking forward to reading more. This was my fouth book reading of his, and I really think hes awesome!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Need a brain break? Read to many classics lately? Enjoy a fast-paced thriller? If you answered yes to these questions, read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. As I never read a Dekker book before, I was not really sure what to expect. I was not disappointed by this suspense-filled, plot-driven story.Unlike many thriller authors, Dekker does not rely on sewer language, sewer sensuality or situations. He instead builds suspense with clever plot manipulations and strong characterization. Dekker is a Christian author. However, he does not beat the reader over the head with his religious views. While this entertaining book does not rate with sophisticated company like Agatha Christie or even Robert Ludlum, it does deserve a place on your reading pile. I do not think that I am unusual in that I cannot read too many heavy books in a row. Thr3e offers a great change of pace and is a sure-fire page turner.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    The most shocking revelation that can be attributed to this book is that it averages four stars.

    I really wanted to like this, because I like Travis Thrasher. However, from the contrived title (Thr3e) to the contrived plot and characters, this will be the first and last Ted Dekker book that I read.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    The most shocking revelation that can be attributed to this book is that it averages four stars.

    I really wanted to like this, because I like Travis Thrasher. However, from the contrived title (Thr3e) to the contrived plot and characters, this will be the first and last Ted Dekker book that I read.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    While this book was really well-written and "good" it was WAY TOO SCARY for me!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    WOWSERS!!! Now THIS is how a psychological thriller should be written. Dekker places the mind games bar high on this one. So engrossed was I in the plot, that I did not see the twist coming!