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Tik Tak Thirst
Tik Tak Thirst
Tik Tak Thirst
Audiolibro25 horas

Tik Tak Thirst

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Información de este audiolibro

The Nosferatu Academy has always maintained the highest standard of training among the young novices of the vampire community, instructing them in the art of war and magic. Since he was only a child, Jungguk was promised as the future guardian of a Moroi prince. Their future may only have been agreed upon between adults, but fate had many more unknowns in store for them... An accident or an assassination attempt? What secret does the five points of the pentacle hold?

Author Bio:

Hey! My name is Beatriz Ruiz Sánchez, but they call me Bea or chispas. I was born in Cordoba, Spain, where I've spent most of my life, although now I live in Seville :). My self-published works are the trilogy of "Tik Tak Teeth", "Blue Tail", "Heavenly" and "Bad Habits". At twelve I wrote the worlds that ran through my imagination and shared them with my friends; I have always felt a very special connection with books. For me, they were a refuge, a safe zone where I could both rest and travel to a thousand worlds without moving from an armchair. My favorite genres are romance and fantasy novels, worlds full of magic and mystery, with different races fighting each other. I have felt a great inspiration in the books I read in my adolescence; "Twilight", "Shadowhunters", "Hunger Games", among others, and TV series like "The Vampire Diaries", "Charmed" and "Stranger Things", among others. Among my interests, besides the role, are movies, music, and I love musicals! I've always said that my life would have been easier if it was a musical.

EditorialLantern Audio
Fecha de lanzamiento19 abr 2024
Tik Tak Thirst

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