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Descubre tus derechos legales
Descubre tus derechos legales
Descubre tus derechos legales
Libro electrónico29 páginas14 minutos

Descubre tus derechos legales

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Información de este libro electrónico

Order in the court! What do free speech, due process, freedom of assembly, and search and seizure have to do with our legal rights? Using engaging, age-appropriate language and colorful photos, readers decipher our nation's complex legal system and understand their rights under the law. Fully translated Spanish text.
Fecha de lanzamiento19 may 2020
Descubre tus derechos legales

John Micklos, Jr.

John Micklos, Jr. has written more than 50 children’s books spanning a wide range of ages and genres. His work includes picture books, poetry books, and numerous nonfiction books. Popular titles include One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count with Me! (Penguin/Nancy Paulsen Books, 2017), which was chosen for inclusion in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program for multiple years. John’s other top-selling books include 125 True Stories of Amazing Pets (contributor) and 125 Cute Animals (contributor), both published by National Geographic Kids. He also has written dozens of biographies, history books, and social studies books for educational publishers such as Capstone and Cavendish Square. Biographies include Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Amelia Earhart, Alexander Graham Bell, Abraham Lincoln, Muhammad Ali, Sequoyah, Geronimo, and others. History topics include the Revolutionary War (six-book series), Civil War, Challenger tragedy, Gold Rush, Lewis and Clark Expedition, and many others. A resident of Newark, Delaware, John enjoys visiting schools (in person or via Zoom) and conducting writing workshops with students of all ages. His presentations and workshops center on writing poetry, nonfiction, and persuasive pieces, as well as the art of research and revision, to name just a few. Learn more about John’s work at

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    Descubre tus derechos legales - John Micklos, Jr.

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