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Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico
Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico
Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico
Libro electrónico29 páginas11 minutos

Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico

Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Follows the adventures of Max Axiom as he explains the science behind forces and motion. Written in graphic-novel format.
Fecha de lanzamiento26 nov 2018
Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico

Emily Sohn

Emily Sohn is a freelance journalist in Minneapolis, who covers mostly health, science, environment and adventure for both kids and grown-ups. Among other publications, her work has appeared in U.S. News & World Report, the Los Angeles Times, Smithsonian, Backpacker and Science News for Kids, and she is a contributing writer for Discovery News. Assignments have taken Emily to exotic locations around the globe, including Cuba, Fiji and the Peruvian Amazon.

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Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A Crash Course in Forces and Motion, part of the Max Axiom Super Scientist series, gives students a very clear introduction to the subject matter of forces and motion. Utilizing a graphic novel format, the book makes these scientific concepts accessible and fun. The settings of an amusement park, skate park and swimming pool compliment the teaching about forces and motion. For students not comfortable or particularly adept in science, the book states the facts very simply. For example, the definitions of “speed” and “acceleration” appear in a speech bubble spoken by Max while riding a roller coaster at an amusement park: “Speed is how fast we are going at any given moment. Acceleration is how fast we pick up speed as we go downhill.” Students that enjoy science and have some background knowledge with the subject should enjoy exploring how superhero Max demonstrates the laws of force and motion, including the related material on Sir Isaac Newton. The illustrations are nicely drawn and compliment the text, but as this is a science book, the text is equally important. The layout of the panels is very pleasing to the eye, and includes a lot of compositional variety. Overall the book would enhance a school library science collection. There is a background section on Max, including family information and vital statistics, for those that want to take the hip, colorful scientist concept a notch higher. There are also suggestions for further reading (books and websites), and a glossary. Target audience grades 5-8.

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Un curso intensivo sobre fuerzas y movimiento con Max Axiom, supercientífico - Emily Sohn

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