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La gravedad en acción: Gravity in Action
La gravedad en acción: Gravity in Action
La gravedad en acción: Gravity in Action
Libro electrónico21 páginas4 minutos

La gravedad en acción: Gravity in Action

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Información de este libro electrónico

Kick a ball. Drop a cup. Jump in the air. What happens? Explore the ways in which science, technology, engineering, art, and math help us understand motion and gravity!

This STEAM based, nonfiction book introduces early elementary students to some of the ways STEAM disciplines are used to explore gravity and motion—part of the Mi introducción a CTIAM series.

Fun Storybook Features:

  • This Spanish children’s book includes a glossary, index, comprehension questions, and a reading activity to encourage further learning and reading comprehension skills.
  • 24 pages with vibrant photographs
  • Guided reading level K

About Rourke Educational Media:

We proudly publish respectful and relevant nonfiction and fiction titles that represent our diverse readers, and are designed to support reading on a level that has no limits!

Fecha de lanzamiento15 mar 2023
La gravedad en acción: Gravity in Action

Annette Gulati

Jane Bingham is an experienced writer for young adults. She has written over 100 nonfiction books on a variety of topics. Jane has a first class degree in English Literature and an M. Phil in History of Art and is currently a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Oxford Brookes University. She has two sons and three stepsons and lives in Oxford, England.

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