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¿Las plantas tienen bebés?: Do Plants Have Babies?
¿Las plantas tienen bebés?: Do Plants Have Babies?
¿Las plantas tienen bebés?: Do Plants Have Babies?
Libro electrónico21 páginas4 minutos

¿Las plantas tienen bebés?: Do Plants Have Babies?

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Información de este libro electrónico

Introduce your child to basic plant reproduction in the Spanish children's book ¿Las plantas tienen bebés?

What are the different ways that plants reproduce? Learn about sexual and asexual plant reproduction, as well as the beginning of the plant life cycle.

Spanish Book Features:

  • This Spanish children’s science book features a photo glossary, new vocabulary words, and an extension activity to help develop reading comprehension skills while meeting NGSS life science standards.
  • 24 pages of vibrant photographs

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Fecha de lanzamiento27 sept 2022
¿Las plantas tienen bebés?: Do Plants Have Babies?

Lisa Amstutz

Lisa Amstutz is the author of more than 150 children’s books on topics ranging from applesauce to zebra mussels. An ecologist by training, she enjoys sharing her love of nature with kids. Lisa lives on a small farm with her family.

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    ¿Las plantas tienen bebés? - Lisa Amstutz

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