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Max viaja a Júpiter: Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max
Max viaja a Júpiter: Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max
Max viaja a Júpiter: Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max
Libro electrónico34 páginas29 minutos

Max viaja a Júpiter: Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Scientifically-accurate illustrations and information-packed sidebars enrich this fascinating tale, the third in this acclaimed series about diversity and space exploration. Set in the future, Max the Dog's friend Tori is all grown up and is the chief scientist of the Jupiter Mission. In order to reach their spacecraft, Max and his crew must take an amazing ride on a new device called the Space Elevator. Once they've probed the planet's atmosphere, Max and friends begin exploring two of Jupiter's moons—the volcanically active moon Io and the ice-encrusted moon Europa. On Europa, Max once again saves the day by locating a weak spot in the ice to launch a submarine and explore the ocean below.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 abr 2018
Max viaja a Júpiter: Una aventura de ciencias con el perro Max

Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll grew up in Ireland and has worked as a telegram boy, postman and computer programmer. A lifelong fan of superheroes, he now lives in Dublin with his wife Leonie.

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Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is an adventure story involving a dog with many human friends, and his a trip to space, Jupiter in this edition.Like the author's previous Max series books for kids, this one sticks to peer-reviewed real science, so is a good learning tool tor kids who might be interested in science. As in the other Max books, you may recognize the likeness of someone in the faces of the characters. The author honors certain people by adding their faces to some of the characters I his books. The last page, page 32 shows the real Max used in this story.Those with a little understanding of gravity from high school physics may question the feasibility of the space ladder used in this story. To keep this book's audience extended down through the primary school level, he has left out details that explain its feasibility. However he has portrayed it accurately by stating that it goes to 60000 miles, not just the 22000 miles of geostationary satellites. The extra distance provides the centrifugal force to hold the cable weight as well as enough to lift the spacecraft up the ladder.without pulling it down.The story is a good adventure and should give kids an interest in science and possibly a desire to participate in astronomy or space activities.As the previous books, the pages and the illustrations are enormous, eleven inches or more across and all in color, this is important to the very young kids. Also carried forward from the other Max series books is the full duplication of the color dust jacket on the actual book, both front and back cover, a plus when the book is used with really young kids.

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Max viaja a Júpiter - Michael Carroll

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