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Rescatando a Los Prisioneros de los Atalayas (Watchtower)
Rescatando a Los Prisioneros de los Atalayas (Watchtower)
Rescatando a Los Prisioneros de los Atalayas (Watchtower)
Libro electrónico290 páginas5 horas

Rescatando a Los Prisioneros de los Atalayas (Watchtower)

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Una gran mayoría de las familias en los EE.UU., Canadá, y Méjico tienen un miembro de su familia, un amigo o un colega del trabajo bajo el control de la Sociedad Watchtower. Los Testigos de Jehová están buscando convertir especialmente al hispano parlante.

Este libro demuestra
•Como rescatarlos y como reestablecer al Testigo de Jehová a la sociedad normal.
•Como proteger y evitar que sus niños sean engañados por esta secta, y
•Como librar y reestablecer a los Testigos de Jehová que están llenos de culpa y sin esperanza a una sociedad y vida normal.

Los Testigos de Jehová creen que la Sociedad Watchtower es el profeta de Dios aquí en la tierra, aunque la Sociedad dice mentiras y también enseña a sus adeptos a mentir.

Los Salones del Reino de los Testigos de Jehová también atraen a hombres que abusan sexualmente a los niños porque ahí pueden hacer sus males y quedan protegidos de ser expuestos y de ser castigados por la ley.

EditorialJoe B. Hewitt
Fecha de lanzamiento12 oct 2014
Rescatando a Los Prisioneros de los Atalayas (Watchtower)

Joe B. Hewitt

About the AuthorJoe B. Hewitt, BD MAAuthor Joe B. Hewitt started writing as a newspaper reporter for the Lima, Ohio, News. He covered the police beat, courthouse beat, and was an investigative reporter. He went under cover for three months and published an expose of vice and crime. He served as national and international news editor and “slot” man on the city desk.He owned and published the following Texas weekly newspapers, Throckmorton Tribune, and Springtown Review, and was a stockholder, editor and publisher of the Richardson Digest.His newspaper career ended when he was called into the ministry.. He served the Richardson church 13 years.He resigned that pastorate to go into vocational evangelism. However, during those four years he was called by Christian leaders in many communities to lead special election campaigns. Of 13 major campaigns, he won 11. He turned down an offer to manage a US Congressman’s re-election campaign.During those years in the pastorate he wrote a nonfiction book on personal experience that has sold 45,000 copies. He wrote curriculum for Bible study teachers and teachers commentaries for LifeWay, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention as well as the youth devotional guide, and Open Windows the 1.1 million-circulation adult devotional guide. For 10 years wrote columns for the Rockwall Success, and Rowlett Lakeshore Times, local newspapers. His magazine articles were published in Mature Living, The Baptist Standard, and Leadership magazine (published by the Baptist General Convention of Texas), Faith for the Family, Reproduction Methods, and the Christian Crusader. Photographs have been published by Associated Press, United Press International, Popular Mechanics, and several detective magazines (from the days when he was police reporter.).His travel articles and pictures have been published in The Dallas Morning News, and the Houston Chronicle's Sunday Magazine. Guest editorials have been published in The Dallas Morning News and Spirit of 76, publication of Fort Worth, Texas, Mensa.Hewitt served as a temporary missionary in Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Oregon, Idaho, New York, and pastored a church in England for a month in an exchange with the pastor of the English church. He served as volunteer chaplain and coordinator of jail ministries for the Rockwall County Sheriff’s Department for 10 years. I also served two days a month as volunteer chaplain at Lake Pointe Medical Center in Rowlett for 10 years.On one of his three trips to Russia, Hewitt preached in Muravlenko, Siberia, a city of 40,000, built on 600 feet deep permafrost located 1650 miles east-northeast of Moscow. The nearest airport was 100 miles south at Nyabresk where the Aeroflot plane broke down and Hewitt and his wife were stranded two days.In addition to the mission trips, Hewitt visited Cypress, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many Caribbean islands. Hewitt has traveled extensively throughout all 50 of the United States, Mexico and Canada.After retiring from the Pastorate in 2001, Hewitt began training as a mediator and has served Dallas and area courts as a court-appointed mediator to settle lawsuits.Hewitt received a BD degree from Bible Baptist Seminary, and an MA degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Baptist University. He is a member of Mensa, the high IQ society.

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