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The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacts on the World and the United States of America   Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de America
The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacts on the World and the United States of America   Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de America
The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacts on the World and the United States of America   Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de America
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The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacts on the World and the United States of America Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de America

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After being near death from cancer, nothing has impacted me like the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused the death of eight close friends and maintained the global economy suffering of a severe crisis with all its social consequences. This pandemic and poems about it should make mankind reflect on their relationship with God--my most powerful source of inspiration calling mankind for greater unity.Despues de estar cerca de la muerte por cáncer, nada me ha impactado tanto como la pandemia del COVID-19, que ha causado la muerte a ocho de mis mejores amigos, y mantiene a la economía global sufriendo una severa crisis con todas sus consecuencias sociales. Esta pandemia y las poesías sobre la misma deberán llevar a la humanidad a reflexionar sobre su relación con Dios; mi mas poderosa fuente de inspiración llamando a la humanidad para una mayor unidad.

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The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacts on the World and the United States of America   Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de America

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    The COVID-19 Pandemic La Pandemia de COVID-19 - Winston E. Malcolm Baxter


    Impacts on the World and the United States of America


    Impactos sobre el Mundo y los Estados Unidos de América

    Winston E. Malcolm Baxter

    Copyright © 2022 Winston E. Malcolm Baxter

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9409-3 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9535-9 (hc)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9412-3 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Derechos de autor © 2022 Winston E. Malcolm Baxter

    Todos los derechos reservados

    Primera Edición


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    Primera publicación original de Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9409-3 (Versión Impresa)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9535-9 (Tapa Dura)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9412-3 (Versión electrónica)

    Libro impreso en Los Estados Unidos de América

    To my mother, Thelma

    To my wife, Lydia,

    To my brothers: Oscar and Rigoberto.

    To my sisters: Claudia, Celia and Marvia.

    To my children: Damaris, Yaritza, Denzel, and Omar.

    A mi madre, Thelma.

    A mi esposa, Lydia.

    A mis hermanos: Oscar y Rigoberto.

    A mis hermanas: Claudia, Celia, y Marvia.

    A mis hijos: Damaris, Yaritza, Denzel y Omar.





    Part I

    Tensions and Struggles Before the Arrival of the First Vaccines

    Parte I

    Tensiones y luchas antes de la llegada de las primeras vacunas

    Part II

    Pandemic and Life after the First Vaccines

    Parte II

    La pandemia y vida después de las primeras vacunas

    Part III

    Some Selective Economic and Social Sectors Affected by the Pandemic

    Parte III

    Algunos sectores económicos y sociales selectivos afectados por la pandemia

    Part IV

    Feelings toward Family and Friends During the Pandemic

    Parte IV

    Sentimientos hacia familiares y amigos durante la pandemia

    Part V

    Some Selected Countries in Line with the Pandemic’s Impact

    Parte V

    Algunos países seleccionados en línea con el impacto en la pandemia

    Part VI

    The Pandemic in Some Regions of the United States of America

    Parte VI

    La pandemia en algunas regiones de los Estados Unidos de América


    Thank God for life and another opportunity to help spread His word worldwide.

    Gracias a Dios por la vida y otra oportunidad para ayudar a expandir su Palabra por el mundo.

    The quotes are based on the Bible published by Holman Bible Publishers.

    Citas basadas en la Biblia publicada por Holman Bible Publishers.

    I recognize my wife Lydia and her sister Fidencia for their patience and support in everything.

    Reconozco a mi esposa Lydia, y su hermana Fidencia, por su paciencia y apoyo en todo.


    The world has been suffering profound changes, many of unfavorable nature, starting from the final months of 2019. These changes impacted several aspects of human life: economic, social, political, financial, cultural, religious, psychological, scientific, emotional, educational, environmental, and many others—in sum, practically all ways of existence on the planet.

    These changes began with the sudden appearance of the virus popularly known as COVID-19 that unleashed one of the worst pandemics ever suffered by mankind and of which we don’t know how or when it will be over.

    This poetry book has been prepared both in English and Spanish. With this pandemic being a global phenomenon, we strive to carry these experiences and the Word of God to as many people as possible so that we can communicate with ease. Some poems are dedicated to selected nations that have profoundly suffered the pandemic from the beginning.

    In its journey through the planet, this pandemic has been causing or aggravating numerous situations such as millions of deaths and infections; many remaining with different type of scars; severe interruptions in supply chains for raw materials, intermediate and final goods and services; substantial increases in formal and informal unemployment; a surge and accentuation of worldwide poverty, a loss of assets including homes; additional problems in educational systems; inadequate attention to patients with chronic illnesses; overwhelmed emergency rooms, intensive care, and other hospital facilities; restrictions to sport and cultural events as well as to social interactions and liberties; readjustments in public transportations; enormous increase in public debt; collapsed health systems; and increased crimes such as electronic fraud, domestic violence, thefts, robberies, corruption of public officials and in private spheres, embezzlements, illegal immigration, human trafficking, crimes against children, juvenal delinquency, and increased drug trafficking.

    Also, violent public demonstrations, police brutality, instability and distrust in sanitary authorities and governments, inappropriate use of social media, tensions in family relations, confinements, and the yearning of many as well as the additional difficulties to attend to natural disasters around the world together with uncertainties created by the emergence of new virus strains have combined to make this crisis of COVID-19 pandemic something special to write about.

    Yet this pandemic has produced some positive aspects like the following:

    Many humans came closer to God as their needs increased.

    New discoveries and inventions in the world of microbiology in favor of public health.

    Increased development and use of technological platforms.

    Increased awareness of the interrelations and dependence among humans and with the environment.

    Awareness of the need for richer countries to help poorer ones so that the worldwide control of the pandemic can become possible.

    Recognition of the dangerous socio–economic structure existent in some countries and globally.

    Increased participation and activity in stock markets.

    Temporary reduction in the use of energy, leading to less global contamination in the juncture.

    Part I poems relate to the tensions and struggles before the appearance of the first vaccines.

    Part II poems refer to the problems and contradictions of public behavior after the vaccines began to be used.

    Part III poems are related to the impact on some economic activities and social groups, especially before vaccines authorizations.

    Part IV poems express the author’s feeling of the pandemic’s impact on his relations with some family members and close friends, including some that died and others that survived with emotional and physical scars.

    Part V expresses the admiration for some countries where the impact of the pandemic has been especially devastating.

    Part VI poems are dedicated to some states and selected regions of the United States of America where the pandemic has combined with other factors to make life more difficult.

    Each poem ends with a call to reflect on the relationships between humans, nature, and their creator.


    El mundo ha estado sufriendo profundos cambios, la mayoría de naturaleza desfavorable, a partir de los meses finales del año 2019. Estos cambios afectaron muchos aspectos de la vida humana: económico, social, político, financiero, cultural, religioso, psicológico, científico, emocional, educativo, ambiental. En fin, prácticamente toda la existencia sobre el planeta. Estos cambios se originaron con la súbita aparición de virus conocido popularmente como COVID-19, que desató una de las peores pandemias que ha sufrido la humanidad y que aún no sabemos cómo, ni cuándo terminará.

    Este libro de poesías está elaborado en los idiomas inglés y español. Siendo esta pandemia un fenómeno global, buscamos hacer partícipe de estas experiencias y la Palabra de Dios a la mayor cantidad de personas con los cuales tenemos la habilidad de comunicarnos. Se dedican poemas a naciones seleccionadas entre las cuales se encuentran algunas de las más duramente sufridas desde el principio.

    En su recorrido por el planeta, esta pandemia ha estado causando o acentuando numerosas situaciones específicas como: Millones de muertes y contagiados, muchos de los cuales mantienen secuelas, grandes y severas interrupciones en las cadenas de abastecimientos de materias primas, productos semielaborados, así como de bienes y servicios finales, sustancial incremento en el desempleo formal y caída en las ocupaciones informales, aumento y acentuación de la pobreza mundial, pérdidas de activos incluyendo casas, problemas adicionales en sistemas educativos, inatención a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y saturación de salas de emergencia cuidados intensivos y otras facilidades hospitalarias, limitaciones a actividades culturales, deportivas, interacciones sociales y libertades, reajustes en los sistemas de transporte de todo tipo, enormes endeudamientos públicos, sistemas sanitarios colapsados o al borde, aumento de actividades ilegales como: fraudes electrónicos, violencia doméstica, hurtos y robos,

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