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Volleyfireball: English Edition
Volleyfireball: English Edition
Volleyfireball: English Edition
Libro electrónico72 páginas31 minutos

Volleyfireball: English Edition

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


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Información de este libro electrónico

This script is about former Olympic medalists in volleyball who were abandoned by their leader. Over time, they became theater comedians. His former leader returns to offer him to participate in volleyball competitions with the fireball, the highest mesh, and with high voltage, the widest court. The teams are made up of six men and a female called the queen. You have to take care of his hunter. He always receives the second pass and stays with the ball until he reaches the finisher. If one of those shots gives 100 percent force on the ground, it catches fire, burning the players.

Fecha de lanzamiento11 abr 2022
Volleyfireball: English Edition

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    Volleyfireball - Jimmy Jimenez


    (Audience applauds.)


    Put your right hand on the podium and your left hand behind your back.

    (They focus on the question.)


    One hundred locas surveyed five answers. We’re looking for number one. What is it that hurts the most to break?

    (La Coqueta presses the button hard and a false nail comes off.)

    Coqueta (complaining)

    Ay, my nail!

    (Everyone looks at the board. It is included in a body part, which is in number two.)

    Impersonator (surprised)

    Very good, Coqueta. You hit number two. Juana!

    Juana (deep voice)

    My hammer.

    (The impersonator opens his eyes, slowly looks at the board, and an X comes out.)


    Your hammer wasn’t there! Transvestites, begin the game. Give head!

    Audience (shouting)

    We! We! Give us head!


    Sorry! I meant go ahead.

    (La Coqueta, happy and with sexy movements, quickly heads toward his group. The transvestite dwarf climbs on the podium, walks toward his fellows to hug them, and turns around, showing his buttocks to the audience. They jump for joy and fall. La Batidora breaks his heel, the dwarf falls headlong showing his underwear. They get up desperately with messy wigs in their hands. They exchange and fix them. When they finish, they realize that the dwarf is missing. They bend down to lift him and put him on the podium. The dwarf is all covered with a wig that is not his. Two of his friends start looking for his face.)


    I think I found his nose.

    (When they open his wig, his penis sticks up. They immediately cover it up, grab him to put him down, and struggle with him. Then he goes up the steps and greets the audience.)

    Audience (shouting)

    Wini! Wini!

    (The impersonator addresses them.)



    Okay! After this pelucalistaca mess and seeing his monga Pinocchio’s nose, I think you’ll need new wigs.

    La Batidora (tired feminine voice)

    Yes, and some shoes too.


    Batidora! What is it that hurts the most—

    La Batidora

    Ay, qué rico!

    Impersonator (eyes wide open)

    To break?

    La Batidora (sad)

    My culu.

    Impersonator (eyes wide open)

    Your what?

    La Batidora (crying)

    When I was little, I was very fond of a culumpio until it broke down.

    (The group hugs him to comfort him, look at the board, and the first X comes out.)


    Your culu wasn’t there, and it’s actually called columpio.

    (Audience smiles.)


    Babosa! What is it that hurts the most to break?


    La Babosa (feminine voice)

    My lipstick.

    (Impersonator with a silly face. They look at the board and the second X comes

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