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The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement
The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement
The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement
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The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement

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Are Colombian tax incentives for the Orange Economy appropriate and sufficient to promote this sector of the economy? This book analyses the set of tax incen¬tives implemented in Colombia recent years, to boost the Orange Economy by providing real estate tax reliefs, allowing a special tax deduction to stimulate investments in Orange projects and exempting companies dedicated to Orange activities from income tax.

Beyond the debates on the justification of establishing new tax incentives for a particular sector of the economy, this book focuses on the particularities of the existing mechanisms to point out their limitations and propose ideas for their enhancement. To do so, the work presents a perspective of the theoretical defi¬nition of the Orange Economy, evincing the lack of consistency of the concept in public policy instruments and the difficulties in the delimitation of the particular activities covered by the cultural and creative industries. It also examines the interaction of Colombian Orange tax incentives with the rest of the domestic tax system, and compares them to instruments established in other jurisdictions.
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The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement

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    The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy - Federico Lewin Pinzón














    Federico Lewin Pinzón

    Nombres: Lewin Pinzón, Federico, autor.

    Título: The Colombian tax incentives for the orange economy : ideas for their enhancement / Federico Lewin Pinzón.

    Descripción: Bogotá : Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Derecho, Ediciones Uniandes, 2021. | Colección crítica tributaria. Serie nuevas tendencias de la tributación internacional y comparada

    Identificadores: ISBN 9789587981766 (rústica) | ISBN 9789587981773 (electrónico)

    Materias: Incentivos tributarios – Colombia | Industrias culturales – Impuestos Clasificación:

    Primera edición: octubre del 2021

    © Federico Lewin Pinzón

    © Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Derecho

    Ediciones Uniandes

    Carrera 1.a n.° 18 A-12

    Bogotá, D. C., Colombia

    Teléfono: 601 339 4949, ext. 2133

    ISBN: 978-958-798-176-6

    ISBN e-book: 978-958-798-177-3


    Corrección de estilo: Tiziana Laudato

    Diagramación interior y cubierta: Angélica Ramos

    Conversión ePub: Lápiz Blanco S.A.S.

    Hecho en Colombia

    Made in Colombia

    Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación.

    Reconocimiento como universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.

    Reconocimiento de personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949, Minjusticia.

    Acreditación institucional de alta calidad, 10 años: Resolución 582 del

    9 de enero del 2015, Mineducación.

    Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación no puede ser reproducida ni en su todo ni en sus partes, ni registrada en o transmitida por un sistema de recuperación de información, en ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, sea mecánico, fotoquímico, electrónico, magnético, electro-óptico, por fotocopia o cualquier otro, sin el permiso previo por escrito de la editorial.

    Table of contents



    1. Background of the tax incentive: Orange Economy goals

    The Orange Economy theory

    Orange Economy as public policy in Colombia

    2. Direct and Indirect Orange Economy Tax Incentives

    Pre-Orange tax incentives

    Orange tax incentives

    3. Analysis of the Orange Tax Incentives

    Tax incentives to promote the creation of Orange Development Zones (Áreas de Desarrollo Naranja)

    Deduction for investments or donations to Orange projects

    Income tax exemption for Orange activities

    Conclusions and recommendations


    Annex A


    BANCOLDEX: Banco de Comercio Exterior de Colombia. Colombian International Trade Bank.

    Colombian Orange Economy Tax Incentive: 7-year income tax exemption applicable to national companies dedicated exclusively to one of the 27 activities qualified as creative activities or industries with technological added value, approved by the Orange Economy Committee.

    COTELCO: Colombian Association of Tourism and Hotels.

    DANE: Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (Colombia). National Department of Statistics.

    DIAN: Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (Colombia). Tax and Customs National Service.

    ISIC activities: International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities issued by the United Nations.

    OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    Orange Economy: This term has been subject to diverse and inconsistent definitions both in the theory and in public policy documents in Colombia. For the purposes of this work, it will be assumed that the Orange Economy is a sector of the economy composed by cultural and creative activities, defined by their symbolic value instead of their use value, which results in the transformation of ideas into cultural goods and services. Cultural activities include the arts, heritage, and conventional cultural industries. Creative activities include functional creations, new media and software, and creativity supporting activities.

    Orange Economy Committee: Committee belonging to the Colombian Ministry of Culture in charge of the approval of projects to benefit from the tax incentive.

    Orange Act: Law 1834 of 2017 that set up the bases for the government’s implementation of the Creative Economy Integral Policy (Orange Policy).

    Orange Policy: Creative Economy Integral Policy established by the Orange Act, implemented through several norms.

    Orange Economy Income Tax Incentive: Income tax exemption established in Section 235-2 of the Colombian tax code, applicable to specific activities related to the Orange Economy.

    Orange Economy Income Tax Incentive Regulatory Decree: Decree 286 of 2020 that regulates the Orange Economy Income Tax Incentive.

    Orange tax incentives: (i) Tax Incentives to promote the creation of Orange Development Zones (Áreas de Desarrollo Naranja), (ii) Deduction for investments or donations to Orange projects, and (iii) Income Tax Exemption for Orange activities.

    PND: Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. Colombian National Development Plan that fixes development strategies for terms of 4 years.

    Pre-Orange tax incentives: Tax benefits not explicitly created for the promotion of the Orange

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