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Lease taxes in Mexico 2020

Lease taxes in Mexico 2020


Lease taxes in Mexico 2020


15 minutos
23 jun 2021
Episodio de podcast


From our meeting of Ambassadors coming from different countries, on that occasion we were talking about the different commercial leasing mechanisms to attract investment in the mezcal industry. Currently there are updates in Mexican legislation for all types of leases, here it is important highlight the importance of taxes.

Tax obligations for the provision of services and real estate leasing are stipulated in the Income Tax Law and the Value Added Tax Law, said taxes are paid through provisional payments according to the type of declaration and registration regime in which the taxpayer is found before the Tax.

It is important to mention that the payment of taxes does not apply in the same way to all types of property, nor to the type of person since the Mexican tax system differentiates natural persons from legal persons.

Artículo completo en:
#bienesraicesimpuestos, #business, #consulting, #consultoriabienesraíces, #impuestosarredamientomexico2020, #impuestosarrendamiento, #impuestosmexico, #impuestospropiedades, #investment, #mexicorealestate, #oaxacarealestate, #realestate, #realestatebusiness, #realestateconsulting, #realestateinvestment, arrendamiento, Impuestos en arrendamiento, inversiones
23 jun 2021
Episodio de podcast

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