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The Red Circle: A Wittgensteinian Poem Collection: Poetry 1, #2
The Red Circle: A Wittgensteinian Poem Collection: Poetry 1, #2
The Red Circle: A Wittgensteinian Poem Collection: Poetry 1, #2
Libro electrónico57 páginas15 minutos

The Red Circle: A Wittgensteinian Poem Collection: Poetry 1, #2

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This multilingual compilation of poems is indebted to my work as linguist and philosopher. The philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein has been translated into a poetic collection in which concepts such as Rule-following, language games, and complex, to name a few have been revisited. The purpose of this work is, then, to bring to the fore the role of representation in the construction of art, in particular, poetry. The result could not have been more interesting and inspiring at the same time, as my work as a scientist and my love for art have been finally reunited in a coherent piece.


Fecha de lanzamiento11 sept 2022
The Red Circle: A Wittgensteinian Poem Collection: Poetry 1, #2

Sergio Torres-Martínez

Sergio Torres–Martínez is professor of cognitive linguistics, semiotics and translation semiotics. Among his main interests are Agentive Cognitive Construction Grammar, Cognitive Semantics, embodiment theory, phenomenology, Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language, Peircean semiotics and the cognitive applications of construction grammar (Applied Cognitive Construction Grammar). Current research projects include the conceptualization of construction grammar as an interdisciplinary field of endeavor connecting embodiment theory, neuroscience semiotics and philosophy for the construction of a comprehensive and systematic description of constructional attachment patterns across languages. Central to this research is the need to provide linguistics with a model of the mind that complements linguistic description. 

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    The Red Circle - Sergio Torres-Martínez

    Copyright © 2022

    MÍMIR EDITORES, Medellín, Colombia

    By Sergio Torres-Martínez

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted, translated or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing of the author.

    Typesetting and artwork by Sergio Torres-Martínez

    Cover by and © Sergio Torres-Martínez


    Dear reader. This multilingual compilation of poems is indebted to my work as linguist and philosopher. The philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein has been translated into a poetic collection in which concepts such as Rule-following, language games, and complex, to name a few have been revisited. The purpose of this work is, then, to bring to the fore the role of representation in the construction of art, in particular, poetry. The result could not have been more interesting and inspiring at the same time, as my work as a scientist and my love for art have been finally reunited in a coherent piece.

    Thank you for purchasing this book.

    Sergio Torres-Martínez, Medellín, September 7, 2022.

    Representaciones Fluidas: Un Proyecto

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