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El Primer Cuento De Hadas: Libro I: Comienza La Aventura
El Primer Cuento De Hadas: Libro I: Comienza La Aventura
El Primer Cuento De Hadas: Libro I: Comienza La Aventura
Libro electrónico50 páginas6 minutos

El Primer Cuento De Hadas: Libro I: Comienza La Aventura

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"The First Fairy Tale Book I: The Adventure Begins by Susan Highsmith combines elegant beauty with magical words that inspire and inform us of the mystery and reality of conception.  The beautiful artwork of Mark Sean Wilson adds a transcendent aura to every page.  The shapes and colors of his il

Fecha de lanzamiento1 abr 2020
El Primer Cuento De Hadas: Libro I: Comienza La Aventura

Susan Highsmith

Susan Highsmith is an author, counselor, and educator. She has been a Nationally Board-Certified Counselor (NBCC) for over thirty years holding a PhD in Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology as well as a Doctor of Divinity. She mentors birth educators and speaks at international congresses addressing consciousness in the womb and the long-lasting effects of our earliest experiences. Susan is dedicated to health and wellbeing throughout the lifespan. She seeks to balance psychological theory and practice with spiritual and holistic wisdom.

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    El Primer Cuento De Hadas - Susan Highsmith

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