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Senya Kandoussi "WE ARE ALL AVATARS"- Remembering Our Cosmic Origins & Purpose"

Senya Kandoussi "WE ARE ALL AVATARS"- Remembering Our Cosmic Origins & Purpose"

DeConversaciones con Akasha

Senya Kandoussi "WE ARE ALL AVATARS"- Remembering Our Cosmic Origins & Purpose"

DeConversaciones con Akasha

56 minutos
30 sept 2022
Episodio de podcast


Interview by Louis-Vire Blanche, host Of Conversations With Elders™  
"WE ARE ALL AVATARS - Remembering Our Cosmic Origins & Purpose" author Senya Kandoussi was personally trained by Dolores Cannon to utilize her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), and has documented clients from all over the globe (and elsewhere), under hypnotic regression auspiciously sharing many of the exact experiences pertaining to their Self Remembrances in the interstellar, multidimensional, intergalactic, starship realms of The Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, and beyond!  
Senya may perhaps be currently reigning supreme as a Priestess/Goddess/Queen where once incomparable women such as Norma Milanovich (We The Arcturians  /The Light Shall Set You Free), Jane Roberts (Seth Material), Ruth Montgomery (Aliens Amongst Us), star blazed new trails of human understanding pertaining to the evolutions of human consciousness! This most timely contribution deserves to magnetize and inspire all world (and otherworldly) citizens to ponder 1) Who We Are 2) Where We Come From and 3) What Are We Doing Here On Spaceship Earth!!  
This book intertwines the personal story of Senya's extraordinary journey to awakening as an Avatar and her investigations through QHHT to understand conscious life in other dimensions. The subjects under hypnosis describe the entire process of incarnation into their current Avatar, the human body on Spaceship Earth, and what happens between different lives. During one session; a young man discovered he is a volunteer soul from the Pleiades and Avatar with a very specific mission on Spaceship Earth. Hundreds of similar cases followed and supported his story. So far, Senya has interviewed more than 65 different extraterrestrial races about their origin, appearance, and habits, revealing the reasons for their relationship with the human race and a long-hidden secret: WE ARE ALL AVATARS AND WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!  
"WE ARE ALL AVATARS' is an essential guide for all light-workers, channels, and star-seeds who wish to reaffirm their contact with their higher senses and for all souls who feel called by the mystery of the night sky, feel alienated from human existence and seek to remember their origin and purpose in life. The time has come to connect with our true cosmic essence and to do what we came here to do. We are not alone, a perfect divine plan is unfolding. All we have to do is listen to our hearts and follow the signs.   
As Louis-Vire Blanche, the host Of Conversations With Elders™ likes to say "many a serendipity doo dah will come our way, in ever exponentially increasing abundance, as we allow the energy of our light bodies, thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and feelings to follow the cosmic stepping stones and invisible bread crumbs, beckoning us to listen to the voice of quiet stillness that lingers in between the rhythms and rhymes of life's heartbeat drum, inviting us to hear our individual/collective silent invisible alarm clocks ringing, offering us the responsibility of allowing our Sun Songs to sing, as the moon advances, as we serve as cosmic stenographers, granting our inner eye witnesses to testify, while simultaneously taking dictation in the high courts of Constant Creation, glowing as the sacred fractals flow,  shimmering in the crystalline serenity of life's golden liquid love light glow, in honor of our star seeded birthright divinity. Aho!" 
May we one and all surrender in submission to serving Creator and the full Fibonacci spectrum of all the interstellar, intergalactic, multidimensional aspects of Creation in peace, joy, and harmony!  
***You can contact Senya through her website or by email:***
30 sept 2022
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (48)

En este espacio escucharás una serie de historias y mensajes muy interesantes de sesiones QHHT (Terapia de hipnosis regresiva) . Habrá distintas temporadas con diferentes tópicos como Aliens y híbridos, naves nodrizas y otros planetas, abducciones, operaciones astrales/cuánticas, Atlántida, Lemuria, Intraterrenos, antiguas culturas y sus ritos, contacto con guías espirituales y ángeles, la transición entre muerte y reencarnación y mucho más...como conferencias y entrevistas con la Hipnoterapeuta Senya Kandoussi.