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¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!)
¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!)
¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!)
Libro electrónico34 páginas24 minutos

¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!)

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Winner at the 2014 International Latino Book Awards. It’s a Gift! is a tender tale about solidarity and generosity.This moving story will encourage the youngest members of the family to share without expecting anything in return.

Little Duck is having a fine time splashing in his pool, but everyone who lives around Little Duck’s pool is in a tizzy: Beaver hasn’t put on her hat, and now the sun’s burning her head; Squirrel has lost her nuts, and now she’s hungry; and Bear has knocked over his jar of water, and now he’s thirsty. So it’s a good thing that Little Duck’s around, ready to help out his animal friends with his gifts!

It’s a Gift! is a tender tale about the solidarity and generosity that’s so necessary in modern life. This moving story will encourage the youngest members of the family to share without expecting anything in return.

Ganador de los International Latino Book Awards en 2014. ¡Te lo regalo! es una tierna historia sobre la solidaridad y la generosidad. Este cuento tan conmovedor animará a los más pequeños de la familia a compartir sin esperar nada a cambio.

Los vecinos de la charca de Patón tienen problemas: el castor no se ha puesto la gorra y ahora le quema mucho el sol, la ardilla ha perdido sus nueces y ahora tiene mucha hambre, y el oso ha volcado su jarra de agua y ahora está sediento. ¡Menos mal que está Patón, dispuesto a ayudar al resto de los animales con sus regalos!

¡Te lo regalo! es un enternecedor cuento sobre la solidaridad y la generosidad que tanto se necesitan hoy en día en nuestra sociedad. Una motivadora historia que invitará a los más pequeños a compartir sin esperar recibir nada a cambio.

EditorialCuento de Luz
Fecha de lanzamiento17 feb 2014
¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!)

Gabriela Keselman

Gabriela Keselman was born in Buenos Aires and moved to Madrid during adolescence. She has worked as a teacher, coordinator of creative workshops for children and editor for various magazines. She has published about 50 children's books, translated into English, French, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese. Nora Hilb has won numerous awards for her illustration work. She has contributed as an author or illustrator to more than 80 books, including Little Chick and Mommy Cat (2012 Silver Medal Winner-Spanish Language Book at the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards) and The Magic Ball of Wool.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Warm, gentle story about friendship and generosity. Originally published in Spain.

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¡Te lo regalo! (It's a Gift!) - Gabriela Keselman

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