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Un Laberinto De Gracia
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Un Laberinto De Gracia
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Un Laberinto De Gracia
Libro electrónico27 páginas4 minutos

Un Laberinto De Gracia

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Información de este libro electrónico

Sigue a Grace en una aventura espiritual a travs de los pequeos obstculos que tiene la vida. A pesar de que se le otorga todo lo que necesita, siempre habr alguien tratando de atraer al mal camino.

Nuestro espritu nos guiara, si escuchamos cuidadosamente.

EditorialWestBow Press
Fecha de lanzamiento6 dic 2012
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Un Laberinto De Gracia

Stephen Adams

Diane lives with her husband, on a small lake in Linden, Michigan. She has been involved in teaching and education for over thirty years. She earned her Bachelor of Elementary Education in 1994 and her Master of Educational Leadership in 2006, both from Saginaw Valley State University. She enjoys teaching, reading, writing, learning and communicating. She is intrigued by modern technology and by the speed at which the world is changing. The author wishes to dedicate this first book to her loving family; to her father, who always entertained her curiosity; her husband, James, without his love and support, this book wouldn't have been possible. And to Terah, Tim, Jared and Justin, whom she loves very much.

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