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Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet!
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet!
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet!
Libro electrónico73 páginas11 minutos

Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet!

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Spanish Alphabet Picture Books for Children

Parents, the Spanish alphabet can be fun and easy to learn with this illustrated guide to the Spanish A, B, Cs.

Inside you’ll find:
a table with bookmarks to each letter’s page
the name of the letter in Spanish
how to pronounce the letter in Spanish
colorful images for each letter
a link to a popular translation site to hear the pronunciation of each word and any special notes for those letters

Along with each letter having its own page, you will also find a Spanish/English dictionary for the examples in this illustrated guide, with the letter’s article.

At the end of this illustrated guide, look for the bonus section on Numbers.

Kids will enjoy this fun and easy way to learn the A,B,Cs

Fecha de lanzamiento14 dic 2013
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet!

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    Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet! - Isabel Floris

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