Runner's World España


: The perks of plyometric moves aren’t limited to your lower body – and the plyometric press-up, which targets your upper body, is proof. ‘Achieve explosiveness and

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Camille Herron
CAMILLE HERRON has been hoovering up ultrarunning records since she exploded on to the scene in 2015. But even by her prolific standards, her feat at this year’s Further event, organised by her sponsor, Lululemon, is extraordinary. Her initial goal?
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‘When You Fall, Try To Get Up’
NEWS, VIEWS, TRENDS and ORDINARY RUNNERS doing EXTRAORDINARY THINGS BACK IN APRIL 2013, MARCO SEITELMANN THOUGHT HE WAS LOSING HIS MIND. He’d woken up in a hotel in Boston and, as usual, went to shave and shower in the bathroom. But as he did this,
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