Runner's World España

The World's Greatest Running Adventures

Running is the ultimate transferable skill. You may only deploy it in your local parkrun or jog to work, but unfurl a map, point to any spot in the world and we guarantee it’ll work pretty much just as well there. A world of adventure is out there – and you’ve got the perfect conveyance. So what are you waiting for?

Where to start? The first, rather obvious point to make is that adventure is relative: one runner’s Himalayan ultra is another’s 6km lake loop. So we’ve included examples of both, and the full gamut in between, ranging from multiday coastal and mountain epics to quick-fire urban excursions that will leave you breathless in a very different way.

We’ve kept hand-holding and the nitty-gritty of logistics to a minimum. Consider this the inspiration; it’s up to you to grab the ball and, well, run with it. Finally, while there are plenty of options here that fall into the far-flung bracket, do consider indulging in these sparingly. In our climate-conscious times, endless globe-trotting to feed your running enthusiasm makes little sense for any of us – particularly when, as you’re about to discover, there’s a glut of great options to enjoy right here in the UK, too.


When Veronica Rojas set up trail running and trekking outfit Vagabond Trails, there was one trip that absolutely had to be on the roster: a multi-day guided running adventure through the spectacular landscapes of the country of her birth, Ecuador. Having grown up between the Amazon and the Andes, Rojas has distilled a lifetime’s worth of knowledge into a nine-night adventure that takes trail running to new heights. Beginning in Quito (2,800m), altitude and distance is increased gradually, culminating in an unforgettable day tracing a 4,000m-high path through the Avenue of the Volcanoes. Horseback adventures, rafting, night walks in the jungle and visits to highland villages provide contrast, overnights are in haciendas and eco-lodges, and pumas, bears and Andean condors are among the exotic wildlife to keep an eye out for.


Cultured, hedonistic Barcelona has another string to its bow: it’s one of the world’s most

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