Más de Runner's World España

Runner's World España3 min. leídos
Tooting Stars
A BLUSTERY SPRING EVENING in south-west London. The hail has just about evaporated from Tooting Bec Athletics Track, but the unseasonably cold weather doesn’t deter more than 200 locals pitching up for Tooting Run Club’s (TRC) weekly intervals sessio
Runner's World España4 min. leídos
‘When You Fall, Try To Get Up’
NEWS, VIEWS, TRENDS and ORDINARY RUNNERS doing EXTRAORDINARY THINGS BACK IN APRIL 2013, MARCO SEITELMANN THOUGHT HE WAS LOSING HIS MIND. He’d woken up in a hotel in Boston and, as usual, went to shave and shower in the bathroom. But as he did this,
Runner's World España2 min. leídos
Feet Of Endurance
THE FEET PLAY A FAIRLY PROMINENT ROLE IN RUNNING, but how many of us consider strengthening them? Perhaps we should. According to a recent study*, runners who did a year of ‘novel foot core strengthening’ reduced their expected injury risk by 58%. He