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Infidelity and its consequences
Infidelity and its consequences
Infidelity and its consequences
Libro electrónico100 páginas52 minutos

Infidelity and its consequences

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While the ideas I want to capture in this book are about how couples commit foolish actions that can harm their lives and relationships. Behaviors, which I believe violate the alliance and justify the self-protective decision to end the relationship, are those where both spouses openly engage in destructive, dangerous, and perverse behavior.

There are numerous couples who are dissatisfied with their marriage but choose to remain silent. This uncertainty about the future often paralyzes people, preventing them from making sound decisions and leading them to consider infidelity as an option.

We start by getting to know another person, feeling a sense of glory, but we can't help but ask ourselves, what if I end up regretting it? "We're not saying it's better to wear it on the outside." "We don't want to feel guilty about the destruction that separation can cause." When there are children involved, the breakup becomes more painful.

I want to make it clear that I am not justifying or judging, but rather providing reasons and symptoms for what is commonly known as "the horns." In conclusion, humans are often unfaithful, even if it is due to trauma and conflicting thoughts.

Mientras las ideas que quiero capturar en este libro tratan sobre como las parejas cometen acciones tontas que pueden danar sus vidas y relaciones. Comportamientos que, en mi opinion, violan la alianza y justifican la decision de protegerse a si mismos al terminar la relacion, son aquellos en los que ambos conyuges participan abiertamente en comportamientos destructivos, peligrosos y perversos.

Hay numerosas parejas insatisfechas con su matrimonio que eligen permanecer en silencio. Esta incertidumbre sobre el futuro a menudo paraliza a las personas, impidiendoles tomar decisiones acertadas y llevandolos a considerar la infidelidad como una opcion.

Comenzamos conociendo a otra persona, sintiendo una sensacion de gloria, pero no podemos evitar preguntarnos, ?y si termino arrepintiendome? "No estamos diciendo que sea mejor llevarlo por fuera". "No queremos sentirnos culpables por la destruccion que la separacion puede causar". Cuando hay ninos involucrados, la ruptura se vuelve mas dolorosa.

Quiero dejar claro que no estoy justificando ni juzgando, sino proporcionando razones y sintomas de lo que comunmente se conoce como "los cuernos". En conclusion, los seres humanos a menudo son infieles, incluso si es debido a traumas y pensamientos conflictivos.

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Infidelity and its consequences

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    Infidelity and its consequences - Nadia Roman


    Infidelity and its consequences

    Nadia Roman

    Copyright © 2024 Nadia Román

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9769-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9786-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Tabla de contenido

    Author's Note


    Causes of Infidelity

    Four unfaithful traits:

    Infidelity in Women

    Men's Infidelity

    What happens when you no longer feel harmony at home?

    Can you forgive infidelity?

    Infidelity That Cannot Be Overcome

    How does it affect children?

    What are your thoughts on infidelity on social media?

    Should we confess to infidelity?

    Who is prepared to hear their partner talk about their infidelity?

    Does the person who cheats change?

    Can you be unfaithful and still love your partner?

    Keeping the Flame Alive

    When there is abuse

    How does infidelity affect finances?

    Separate Accounts

    How it affects our health

    Feeling unfaithful

    Biological and Cultural Infidelity

    Fathers absent due to infidelity

    When your heart and mind are divided, can you find peace and stability?


    Nota del autor


    Causas de infidelidad

    Cuatro rasgos de los infieles:

    La infidelidad en la mujer

    Infidelidad de los hombres

    ¿Qué sucede cuando ya no siente esa armonía en casa?

    ¿Se puede perdonar una infidelidad?

    Infidelidad que no se supera

    ¿Cómo afecta a los hijos?

    ¿Y qué piensan de la infidelidad en redes sociales?

    ¿Deberíamos confesar la infidelidad?

    ¿Quién está preparado para oír hablar a su pareja de su infidelidad?

    ¿Cambia la persona infiel?

    ¿Se puede ser infiel y seguir amando a su pareja?

    Mantener viva la llama

    Cuando hay maltrato

    ¿Cómo afecta en las finanzas la infidelidad?

    Cuentas separadas

    Cómo afecta nuestra salud

    Sentirse infiel

    Infidelidad biológica cultural

    Padres ausentes por infidelidad

    ¿Cuándo tu corazón y mente están divididos no se puede tener paz y estabilidad?


    Author's Note

    While the ideas I want to convey in this book are about how couples often engage in foolish behavior that can harm their lives and relationships. Behaviors, which I believe violate the alliance and justify the self-protective decision to end the relationship, are those where the conduct of both spouses is openly destructive, dangerous, and perverse.

    Countless couples are dissatisfied with their marriages and often remain silent due to uncertainty about the future. This uncertainty can cause people to feel paralyzed and unable to make wise decisions, leading them to choose the path of infidelity.

    We start by getting to know another person, feeling a sense of glory, but we can't help but ask ourselves, what if I end up regretting it? We're not saying it's better to wear it on the outside. We don't want to feel guilty about the destruction that separation can cause. When there are children involved, the breakup becomes more painful.

    I want to make it clear that I am not justifying or judging, but rather providing reasons and symptoms for what is commonly known as wearing horns.

    In conclusion, humans are often unfaithful, even if it is due to trauma and conflicting thoughts.


    Causes of Infidelity

    Infidelity occurs when you betray your loved one.

    It is a phenomenon where numerous variables come into play, depending on the relationship, the intensity of love, problem-solving strategies, and self-confidence. In short, there are many possibilities, and none of them exclude each other.

    This topic is complex. With scientific studies and clinical experiences, we have identified at least six categories.

    When we hear about infidelity, we are all horrified and quick to comment, but few take the time to consider why it occurs.

    Infidelity occurs when a loved one is betrayed, and a promise is not kept. It is a painful and humiliating experience that attacks one's self-esteem, leaving the person feeling devalued and deeply affected.

    The pain of being deceived can last for months or even years.

    There is occasional infidelity; it's just sex, and it's easy to hide.

    And we have the enduring issue of infidelity: that the couple is already stable.

    When we stop loving, we enter into a crisis because we open ourselves up to the possibility of being involved with someone else. There are extramarital relationships that can last for years and become so deeply intertwined that the individuals involved no longer care about being the other person.

    These things happen in couples who have children and don't want to affect them. It may also be that they feel sorry for the other person, or they don't want to lose their comforts.

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