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PARENTS AND TEACHERS VERSION OF THE BOOK MS. WILLARD AND HER LIFE-CHANGING ADVICE: STAY HOME!: Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)
PARENTS AND TEACHERS VERSION OF THE BOOK MS. WILLARD AND HER LIFE-CHANGING ADVICE: STAY HOME!: Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)
PARENTS AND TEACHERS VERSION OF THE BOOK MS. WILLARD AND HER LIFE-CHANGING ADVICE: STAY HOME!: Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)
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PARENTS AND TEACHERS VERSION OF THE BOOK MS. WILLARD AND HER LIFE-CHANGING ADVICE: STAY HOME!: Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)

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About the Book

Have you ever thought about what went through the minds of students, especially the youngest, when it was announced that face-to-face classes would cease for an unknown time due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic? That was pretty shocking, right?

In the students' short story, author Susanna Cantoral describes the audacity of a teacher encouraging her students not to be afraid. Meanwhile, this present book is the version for parents and guardians that emphasizes various topics, such as courage, listening to true sources, and the importance of reading among other topics. In a few words, this is a guide that will serve as a practice in your daily life with recommendations to create moments of interaction between family members.

Acerca del libro

?Alguna vez pensaste en lo que paso por la mente de los estudiantes, especialmente de los mas jovenes, cuando se anuncio que las clases presenciales cesarian por un tiempo desconocido, debido al estallido de la pandemia del coronavirus? Eso fue bastante impactante, ?verdad?

En el cuento para estudiantes, la autora Susanna Cantoral describe la audacia de una maestra animando a sus alumnos y alumnas, a no tener miedo. Por su parte, el presente libro es la version para madres, padres y tutores, en el que se enfatizan varios temas, como la valentia, escuchar fuentes veridicas, la importancia de la lectura, entre otros temas. En pocas palabras, esta es una guia que te servira como practica en tu diario vivir, con recomendaciones para crear momentos de interaccion entre los miembros de la familia.

Fecha de lanzamiento9 nov 2023
PARENTS AND TEACHERS VERSION OF THE BOOK MS. WILLARD AND HER LIFE-CHANGING ADVICE: STAY HOME!: Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)


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    Guidance for the implementation of a family interactive reading program. (English and Spanish)

    Susanna Cantoral

    Copyright © 2023 Susanna Cantoral

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9557-1 (hc)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-9544-1 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Tabla de contenido


    Purposes of the Parents and Teachers Handbook

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8



    About the Author


    Propósitos del manual para padres, madres, maestros y maestras de niños y niñas

    Capítulo 1

    Siguiendo el ejemplo de la maestra Willard

    Capítulo 2

    ¿Es posible cantar en tiempos de crisis?

    Capítulo 3

    Cómo hablar con los niños y niñas del significado, origen, propagación y medidas de higiene del COVID-19

    Capítulo 4

    El peor de todos los virus

    Capítulo 5

    ¡Cuidado con las noticias!

    Capítulo 6

    Confinamiento versus Recreación

    Capítulo 7

    El rol de la tecnología durante el tiempo de confinamiento

    Capítulo 8

    Plan de acción familiar

    Apéndices con dibujos de niñas acerca de como tomar el cuidado apropiado para prevenir el coronavirus


    Sobre la Autora

    For my parents, Eunice and Matthieu Lesti, my favorite storytellers.


    Who would have thought that before the end of the first trimester of the year 2020, the plans drawn up by the majority of human beings would change because of a microscopic particle? Without hesitation, its size contrasts with the damage it has caused to the health of many people, regardless of their socioeconomic status and ethnic group. Apart from the chaos that the coronavirus brought into the global economy, the sadness that it induced, for taking the lives of many, overcame the deficit of the whole world. The aforementioned virus has left traces on humanity, which will never be erased.

    It is quite usual to document the events that mark the universal history in a written way. Recording, is not only for data collection. This helps each individual to analyze and choose how to develop a healthier and more productive life. The main motive this parents and teachers handbook has been written, is for them to establish purposeful conversations with young children with chronological data, and descriptions of how days passed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This guidance is based on some real events, particularly about the short story for students entitled Ms. Willard and Her Life-Changing Advice: Stay Home! Cantoral (2022)

    In essence, in this book, the reader will find how a second-grade educator recognized that her students were not prepared for what had come. That is why, the teacher adopts one of the most powerful tools to eradicate any pandemic—education.

    Purposes of the Parents and Teachers Handbook

    Behind any material, there must be a series of purposes that seek not only to attract readers' attention but also to ensure that the information that reaches the receptor's hand transforms mentalities or lives. Thereupon, the objectives of this manual are as follows:

    Help parents and teachers to implement multidisciplinary activities, at home and school before, during, and after a pandemic, considering children's age. In a similar form, is valuable to take into account if the child has any special need or behavior problems.

    Inspire readers to practice a new communication modality through an interactive reading.

    Motivate adults to regulate what type of information or news the family listens or watches during complicated times, when minors are present.

    Reinforce family ties by answering children's questions, on the subject of COVID-19 pandemic as an infectious-contagious disease.

    Guide parents or family leaders to develop their maximum potential in their knowledge in connection the importance of high-quality reading in an early age and for the rest of their children's lives.

    Chapter 1

    Following Ms. Willard's Examples

    Ms. Willard represents that instructor who nobody can forget. This is irrefutable, there are those who remember a teacher with such devotion because he or she has influenced the person's life in a very positive way, especially the first years of school. Thence, such woman or man values his or her teacher's instructions, even if several decades have passed.

    In relation to life expectancy, a year is a short time frame; however, many things can happen to an entity, in a single year, for which his or her life must change, for good or bad. Or it may happen that a single event in that period can transform the way of living of all of us. How is the latter related to the teacher? The answer is simple. Ms. Willard discerns how time can evolve from one moment to another. She also examines how a specific phenomenon (the coronavirus) can alter the trajectory of humankind. This means that she has the skills to comprehend the dimension of things and clearly perceives what they entail. Given this, below are a series of measures that she took, which can be very useful for readers.

    1. Discern What Is Coming

    It is a misfortune that in the beginning, the preventive strategies in most of the countries regarding how to stop the spread of the coronavirus were very weak. However, in the short story written for the students, Ms. Willard feels that a great devastation could happen and psychologically prepares her students for it. The story tells how the last day of face-to-face class was developed, with in-depth details relevant to Ms. Willard's pupil's reactions, when they heard about the coronavirus outbreak throughout the globe. Since the beginning of that particular school day, the teacher emphasized that they will continue learning the topic that they were talking a week ago. This implies, she took enough days to educate her pupils.

    Not many people exercise discernment. What can be avoided by practicing this value? For sure there have been wars, tragedies, wrong decision-making and merciless that pandemics that unstable people's health whereas there are leaders deprived of discernment.

    Associating the above concept with teacher Willard, she knew what to instill in the minds of her students, despite the fact that the term COVID-19 wasn't included in any educational system as part of the curriculum for the school year 2020–2021. In few words, when we imitate Ms. Willard's ability to perceive or discern, we can evade unwanted outcomes. Without any doubt, discernment is not exclusive to see but looking. It is not only hearing but listening, not a mere talk, it is also acting, and carefully choosing the right from the wrong.

    2. Teach by Example

    When parents and children teachers wish them to have an authentic learning, teaching them by example is one of the most effective ways. Concerning this, analyze the following question: why do many parents, or those in charge to raise a child, battle constantly with their children between seven and twelve years old to make their beds in an independent way? The response is clear. In most of the cases, the adults are not giving good examples to their children, and yet ask for results without taking initiative. If you are experiencing such frustration, start by demonstrating the good deeds to your daughter or son, and you will be amazed at the accomplishments.

    As for Ms. Willard, she showed her students how to maintain the physical distance. At the beginning, the children's short story portrays Ms. Willard as a very affectionate educator. However, in order to teach how to practice social distancing to avoid getting the contagious COVID-19, she no longer greets her students at the door like the way she used to do it. That is why, all of them were shocked with her posture. But it should be noted that the face of the teacher reflected a tender look even though not being that close to her students.

    As everyone agrees that teaching by example is the most accurate way, then let's do it! The advice that Ms. Willard offers is simple, but it saves lives.

    For example, if you wish to avoid your child from getting sick, wash your hands properly as often as you can, in front of him or her. In the aftermath, you'll observe that by exercising such a key action, you will be able to preserve health, which is so appreciated today, like a priceless jewel.

    Again, regarding physical distance, during a pandemic, even if you miss your relative or friend, teach your child how to greet, keeping a safe space. If somebody questions you on this, explain your position while authenticating a comprehensive and solidarity temperament. Surely, he or she will understand you. Let's be frank, the area of the visual expressions is huge because a simple look says a lot. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. Separate yours from mine if you do not want to share your secrets with me. This phrase is from a movie in which a young man manifested it to the love of his life. To be more precise, she did not want to agree to his request, giving him a negative response repetitively, but as her look said otherwise, this was an indicator for the young man to persist in such a way, that he achieved his goal.

    Continuing with the approach of living what you instruct, it is noticeable that Ms. Willard will totally disagree with those who say: Do what I say not what I practice. Sadly, the quoted words in the previous sentence are mentioned very frequently. But no greeting the elders, no yielding seats to visitors, or interrupting conversations in a rude manner is not the minors' fault. Parents and guardians, this handbook is a call to the following reflection: The family leaders are the ones who have to start practicing the good habits. On this order, when the adults attain all the hygiene measures at home, then the rest of the family will do them as well.

    In summary, if you take into account the virtue of living what you preach in the way Ms. Willard exhibits, both the family and the community will gain big advantages. Unquestionably, the real educator practices what he or she teaches and, if it is possible, gives her or his own life away in order to tear the lives of her or his students from the clutches of ignorance.

    3. Listen to Reliable Sources

    At the beginning of COVID-19 era, there were politicians and governments in many nations who dared to recommend medicine. On the contrary, some health professionals projected themselves more as politicians. On top of this, hundreds of thousands of people didn't want to be left behind. They shared videos explaining that consuming certain homemade remedies can cure any virus-caused disease, including the aforesaid one. This last remark is not to underestimate the validity of natural resources. It is well-known, Earth possesses the essential components to eliminate multiple illnesses, without secondary effects. The ideal thing is to use common sense. No disjuncture, the educator could have explained to her students what nurse Starkey told them. However, inviting the school nurse is evident; she wished her students to value even more what she has already taught them.

    From the growing children's perspective, how can parents take this into account? As you can see, some of the purposes for this parent's guide are for you to reinforce your knowledge of how to inform and to instruct children to foresee some eventuality that could occur for the most part, those that have to do with their health, safety, or education.

    Of course, your instinct will help you to manage or regulate what type of news you should listen or watch to, foremost when your child is present. As a further constituent, it is hoped that all this information will serve as a stimulus to raise awareness about the importance to keep your positivism, despite living in spaces plagued with bad news.

    Regarding the previous statement, you are invited to make an effort to imagine in more detail the background of the last day of classes when the coronavirus erupted everywhere. Isn't it sad?

    Commonly, children enjoy to go to school and share affinities with their friends. The situation is that attending a teaching center on daily basis should not be with a sole focus on students, for them to develop new knowledge for the intellect and physical skills. Schools are, or should be, the places par excellence for the acquisition and development of social and emotional learning, for them to integrate themselves into the community as thinking beings, necessary for the society where they grew up, whether they decide to stay or move. The children's story could be gray from the beginning to end, but thanks to Ms. Willard's mindset that unusual day, she became the most appropriate positive influencer in her students' lives. There is a relevant point here: As the main educators of our children (a topic which I will be emphasizing yet over again), we should be wise enough to determine what or who is influencing our family everydayness. Please, do not allow anyone with questionable behavior to keep you up to date or to dictate you what to do in your family matters.

    Once again, Ms. Willard invites nurse Starkey to the classroom in view that she knew the school nurse was the most knowledgeable person to explain the features of the virus to her student body. In conclusion, this subtitle is like a warning horn for family leaders, who assuming the role as educators, establish their listening skills on wisdom, choosing discreet and temperate people, as well they should inquire which are the reliable sources, to take the corresponding measures on behalf of their families. Doing so, you are fostering the guidelines for your son or daughter proceeds to follow the correct path, and when considering a solution, for his or her decision-making, she or he won't be too naive toward the things that mutilate his or her life. When parents and children's guardians work to seek for well-grounded people or resources, they are boosting their children's learning for them to know the things as they are. When parents have the habits to listen and practice what is right, it is very unlikely that their children will fall into detrimental situations that affect their physical or emotional lives. Regarding being cautious with the news, this will be deal anew on chapter 5.

    4. Inject Encouragement

    Is there a need to conduct a scrupulous investigation to verify if bad mood produces any harmful effect on the individual's health? The reply is diaphanous: negative emotions directly impact to a massive deterioration in the individual's health, while self-encouragement, or hearing positive words, contributes to a speedy recovery.

    So, if you visit a sick friend, you could make him or her worse if you say that an acquaintance of yours suffered from the same illness and died few days later. In case that you have the misfortune to receive a visitor while you are sick and she or he only establishes

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