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Jeet Y Choco: ¡A divertirse en el parque acuático! (Jeet and Fudge: Fun at the Waterpark)
Jeet Y Choco: ¡A divertirse en el parque acuático! (Jeet and Fudge: Fun at the Waterpark)
Jeet Y Choco: ¡A divertirse en el parque acuático! (Jeet and Fudge: Fun at the Waterpark)
Libro electrónico32 páginas3 minutos

Jeet Y Choco: ¡A divertirse en el parque acuático! (Jeet and Fudge: Fun at the Waterpark)

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Jeet, his puppy Fudge, and their Dad are at the local waterpark to volunteer for the animal shelter adoption event. After they are done helping, it’s time for some rides, including THE ULTIMATE waterslide. Woo hoo!!! But before they’re able to take their turn, they’ll need to learn the Sikh values of patience, compassion, and self-control!

Kids and adults alike will delight in this level 2 emerging reader, the second in a series about a young Sikh boy, his “yummy” sidekick puppy, and their adventures in volunteerism and play.

This title is leveled using both the Lexile and Fountas & Pinnell reading level standards.

EditorialPaw Prints
Fecha de lanzamiento29 nov 2022
Jeet Y Choco: ¡A divertirse en el parque acuático! (Jeet and Fudge: Fun at the Waterpark)

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    Jeet Y Choco - Amandeep S. Kochar

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