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Cábala: La guía definitiva para los principiantes que desean comprender la cábala hermética y judía junto con el poder del misticismo
Cábala: La guía definitiva para los principiantes que desean comprender la cábala hermética y judía junto con el poder del misticismo
Cábala: La guía definitiva para los principiantes que desean comprender la cábala hermética y judía junto con el poder del misticismo
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Cábala: La guía definitiva para los principiantes que desean comprender la cábala hermética y judía junto con el poder del misticismo

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Do you find yourself drawn to the mystical Kabbalah?

Are you a beginner, seeking to understand what this wonderful, Kabbalistic way of life is all about?

Perhaps you're seeking more information about Jewish mysticism?

Whatever the case, this book will show you the very basics about Kabbalah, the essential philosophies that form the foundations of Jewish mysticism, and how you can apply this knowledge to your life.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • What the Kabbalah is (and what it isn't!)
  • The Hermetic Qabalah, and its fundamental principles
  • The core Kabbalistic concepts you need to know to get your practice right
  • The angels that are most relevant to the practice of Kabbalah
  • Kabbalah and its divine connection to the stars
  • The difference between the knowable and unknowable Divine
  • The fi e levels of your soul and how we ascend them and descend them
  • The sacred Kabbalistic texts that form the main source of your Kabbalistic knowledge
  • And lots more!

With this handy guidebook as your starting point, you can finally take the plunge into your practice of Kabbalah. You will find this book to be a refreshing one, as you learn that you don't have to be a rabbi, or know how to speak fluent Hebrew or Aramaic, or even be a Jew before you enjoy the light of the Kabbalah in your life.

Before you read any other book, use this one as a launchpad, and you won't have to deal with the confusion that most beginners often experience when reading other texts.

Click the "add to cart" button to learn how to follow the way of Kabbalah.

EditorialMari Silva
Fecha de lanzamiento1 ago 2022

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Cábala - Mari Silva

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The Jewish people have Kabbalah as their way to understand how man and God are connected and how God relates to the world. For many centuries, Kabbalists have continued to dive into the Kabbalah's teachings about who God truly is and what we owe God as humans.

Unfortunately, some assume that Kabbalah is something only a few initiates can get to know, but that's not the case. Kabbalah offers two kinds of secrets: The secrets not in the public awareness, which, as soon as they are revealed, are seen for the illusions they are so that all the mysteries they once held are gone. Then there are the actual secrets right there for you to see yourself. When the latter secrets are mined for more truth, all you find is more depth and profundity. These secrets become richer and richer, and they light up the world. These are the actual secrets of Kabbalah — they aren't so secret, after all.

The whole point of this book is to help shine the light on Kabbalah by clarifying what it's all about. We'll get into the origins, as well as the concepts that are required for you to know to begin your practice. If you're curious about Kabbalah or want to deepen your practice and knowledge, you will find this book very useful.

Kabbalah isn't about what you may have heard: The weird websites that tell you that Kabbalists are a Kabal of people involved in child sacrifice and sex rituals. This is certainly not the case. Kabbalah offers a way to live a life that assures you of a grander, more significant meaning to your existence. It helps you understand that you're not alone, and we're all one and connected, and God, the Ein Sof, the unknowable, which has made itself knowable through its Divine Attributes called the Sephirot.

You may just be curious, knowing next to nothing about this Jewish religious practice. You may have questions about the whole point of life and living you badly need answers. You may be a spiritual wanderer who has moved from one truth to another, trying to find some place your soul can call home. You may already practice Kabbalah but want to gain more knowledge. No matter where you're at, this is the book for you. You will find a life that is richer, more rewarding, more peaceful, and more full of purpose when you walk the path of Kabbalah. This book intends to show you that as you are, right now, you could also become a Kabbalist and experience this peace and Divine love as a genuine and present thing in your life. Just make sure whatever you do, you make your practice a daily, moment to moment thing, and you'll never go back.

Chapter One: What is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah is a crucial aspect of Judaism. It involves understanding Creation, God, and how God and God's creation are connected. It's about the very nature of the soul and the path it's meant to take.

Kabbalah seeks to provide the answers to life's important questions about death, the afterlife, good, evil, and what it means to be spiritual. While Kabbalah is used interchangeably with the term Jewish mysticism, it encompasses so much more than that. The Kabbalah is at the very core of all spiritual practices and beliefs for Jews.

It's not a book that you can study, contrary to popular misconception. It is a set of teachings spanning ethical, moral, and spiritual teachings and is found in the Jewish holy books.

The word Kabbalah is derived from three letters of the Hebrew alphabet, collectively called a root. This root of the word Kabbalah translates to to receive. The Kabbalist is all about receiving guidance on how to live rightly and acquiring the knowledge of God.

Another meaning of Kabbalah is received tradition, which is about traditions passed down from generation to generation, teacher to student. You may find there are various ways of conducting the same ritual. Think of your version as being your kabbalah.

Kabbalah is not Jewish mysticism, for Jewish mystics didn't even exist until the 19th century, and the Jewish culture doesn't even acknowledge the concept of mysticism, not even in language. So how did people come to assume Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism are one of the same? Well, there are specific ideas, according to scholars, that seem just the same as the Christian idea of mysticism, and so that's how the term came to be alongside the Kabbalah. It also doesn't quite help that the Kabbalah makes it abundantly clear that God is impossible to be described, thus leaning into the mysticism schtick in the minds of the uninitiated.

What is Kabbalah, then? It is Jewish theology. It's how the Jewish tradition attempts to define Infinite and explain to each generation how one should live their lives, especially with the Creator in mind.

A Brief History of the Kabbalah

Let's start from the very beginning... a very intriguing beginning. Tradition says that the Torah or Hebrew Bible was written 974 generations before the creation of the world. In the Zohar, which is one of the most mystical works on the Kabbalah, it is written that God looked into the Torah and created the world. Kabbalah is the lifeblood of Judaism.

It should be clear from the previous paragraph that Kabbalah has no actual beginning. Yet, you can connect the dots along its journey through time, beginning with the Scriptures and the first man. The most influential figures in Kabbalah are Adam, Abraham, and Moses. There are others, of course, but these three men remain central figures.

Upon the destruction of Jerusalem's Holy Temple in the first millennium CE, the Talmud was written, along with the other Rabbinic texts. The key Kabbalists from this period are Rabbi Akiva of the Talmud (a body of ceremonial and civil law for Jews) and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who penned the Zohar.

Once the Rabbinic period was over around 500 CE, the next most important thing in the Kabbalah's history was the Zohar's revelation in the 13th century. This was the legendary text of the Kabbalah. Centuries after, Rabbi Isaac Luria, known as the Ari, reinvented all of Judaism and the Kabbalah for the rest of the time. Other Rabbis did contribute to the evolution of Kabbalah, but we will focus on the major ones.

In the Bible, we have Adam, the first human and the first Kabbalist ever. It is believed that Adam received a book on the wise teachings of the Kabbalah from an angel. Adam is also important because, as far as Kabbalists are concerned, every word and letter that makes up the creation story in the book of Genesis is essential and signifies human life and human circumstances.

Of particular significance is that Adam was split into male and female, signifying the sacredness of marriage in which two halves become whole and one. This is one of the very fundamental principles of life, according to Kabbalist.

Also of significance is the closeness Adam shared with the garden's trees, all planted by the hand of God. Among these trees was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. These ideas are central to Kabbalah to help the Kabbalist understand what temptation and evil are, the place of free will, and how one might triumph over temptation.

The Kabbalah sees Adam as a biological and spiritual father of all and that we're all just part of Adam's soul – or Aham Ha-Rishon.

Abraham showed us all that

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