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La Pequeña Aranchi Descubre Su Luz
La Pequeña Aranchi Descubre Su Luz
La Pequeña Aranchi Descubre Su Luz
Libro electrónico49 páginas5 minutos

La Pequeña Aranchi Descubre Su Luz

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La Pequeña Aranchi soy yo misma. Es la niña Interior que aprendí a cuidar. Al compartir esta historia mi más grande deseo es poder inspirar a niñas y niños a comenzar con una práctica de meditación, o a por lo menos sentir curiosidad hacia ella.
EditorialBalboa Press
Fecha de lanzamiento19 ene 2021
La Pequeña Aranchi Descubre Su Luz

Aránzazu Goicochea

ARÁNZAZU GOICOCHEA is the director and co-founder of CIRCUNPUNTO Center for Spiritual Living since 2013. She is a Licensed Practitioner of Science of Mind, she studied coaching in ICC and she also obtained certifications in the systems of healing of Louise Hay and Mike Dooley. She considers that the continuous learning and the practice of what has been already learned is the way to continue in the spiritual path. Since her beginnings in the spiritual road, she wanted to prove that any person could transform their lives without losing the capacity of living “normally”, like having a significant other and forming a family. She started the practice of meditation in 2010, during the pregnancy of her first daughter. In the present day, she continues as student and practitioner of Zen Buddhism. To Aránzazu, meditation is as essential as drinking 8 glasses of water a day. In her craving to continue forming as a spiritual leader and inspire more people, Aránzazu is also a student at School of Spiritual Leadership (ELE) of Centers for Spiritual Living. “The demonstration of a life in full, a life that doesn’t lack or has anything left over, is the state of grace that I see reflected more and more every day in my life. I see the perfection of whatever appears before me, although many times it takes me a while to realize it. Realizing it is coming back home.”

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