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Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer – The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer – The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer – The adventures of Tom Sawyer
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Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer – The adventures of Tom Sawyer

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Aprender inglés de la mano de los autores más importantes de la literatura universal es posible con esta colección. Los Clásicos Bilingües contienen el texto en castellano acompañado página a página por su versión en inglés.
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer es una novela del autor estadounidense Mark Twain publicada en 1876, actualmente considerada una obra maestra de la literatura. Relata las aventuras de la infancia de Tom Sawyer, un niño que crece durante el antebellum del Sur de los Estados Unidos en "St. Petersburg", una población de la costa del río Mississipi inspirada en Hannibal, donde creció el autor.
Fecha de lanzamiento7 feb 2017
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer – The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain

Mark Twain (1835-1910) was an American humorist, novelist, and lecturer. Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, he was raised in Hannibal, Missouri, a setting which would serve as inspiration for some of his most famous works. After an apprenticeship at a local printer’s shop, he worked as a typesetter and contributor for a newspaper run by his brother Orion. Before embarking on a career as a professional writer, Twain spent time as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi and as a miner in Nevada. In 1865, inspired by a story he heard at Angels Camp, California, he published “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” earning him international acclaim for his abundant wit and mastery of American English. He spent the next decade publishing works of travel literature, satirical stories and essays, and his first novel, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today (1873). In 1876, he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a novel about a mischievous young boy growing up on the banks of the Mississippi River. In 1884 he released a direct sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which follows one of Tom’s friends on an epic adventure through the heart of the American South. Addressing themes of race, class, history, and politics, Twain captures the joys and sorrows of boyhood while exposing and condemning American racism. Despite his immense success as a writer and popular lecturer, Twain struggled with debt and bankruptcy toward the end of his life, but managed to repay his creditors in full by the time of his passing at age 74. Curiously, Twain’s birth and death coincided with the appearance of Halley’s Comet, a fitting tribute to a visionary writer whose steady sense of morality survived some of the darkest periods of American history.

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