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Jack y los Frijoles Magicos: La Novela Grafica
Jack y los Frijoles Magicos: La Novela Grafica
Jack y los Frijoles Magicos: La Novela Grafica
Libro electrónico42 páginas7 minutos

Jack y los Frijoles Magicos: La Novela Grafica

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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When Jack sells his family's cow for magic beans, his mother is anything but pleased. Soon, however, the beans sprout into a towering beanstalk. It leads to a castle filled with gold and other treasures. Jack's family will be rich, if he can sneak past the man-eating giant!
Fecha de lanzamiento26 nov 2018
Jack y los Frijoles Magicos: La Novela Grafica

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Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    An excellent series with absolutely gorgeous, usually stylized artwork. Each title includes a glossary, history of the tale in question, and discussion questions, making them as valuable educationally as they are recreationally. I highly recommend them for anyone with children interested in fairy tales.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    The very traditional story with modern illustrations. Nothing to complain about with this straight forward rendition.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Summary:This is a classic fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk but written as a graphic novel. Their family cow stops producing milk so Jack must sell the cow for money but instead sells them for magic beans. His mother is furious and sends him to get their cow back but the beanstalk has grown all the way to the sky. Jack climbs it and sees a castle so he asks for food. There is a giants wife and she agrees to feed him and when the giant falls asleep he steals some gold, a magic chicken, and a magic harp. Jack then cuts the beanstalk down so the giant cant find him and they live happily ever after.Personal Reaction:I really liked this version of the fairy tale. It made it very interesting with the pictures and set up like a comic book. I think this would grab the attention of all children.Classroom Extension Ideas:1. Use the writing prompts and discussion questions at the end of the book.2. Ask what the children would do if they had a magical beanstalk and what they would hope to find.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Summary:This book is about a boy name Jack that sells his family's cow for magic beans, his mother is anything but pleased. Soon, however, the beans sprout into a towering beanstalk. it leads to a castle filled with gold and other treasures. Jack's family will be rich, if he can sneak past the man - eating giant.Personal Reaction:My personal reaction to this story is that there is a price to pay for anything that you may want in life,like jack and the beanstalk,he had to sneak past the giant to get to the castle that was filled with gold.Classroom Extension:I would teach the class to never give up nomatter what happens and to learn to sacrifice for the better thing in life that they may want.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This fairytale is about a boy named Jack and the day Jack sells his family's cow for magic beans. His mother is anything but pleased. The beans then go on to sprout into a towering beanstalk. It leads in to a castle filled with gold and other treasures. Jack's family will be rich, if he can sneak past the man-eating giant. Here comes the famous, "FEE FIE FOH FUM! I smell the blood of an Englishman!" This book is comic book size. I thought the graphic visual format of this story was exciting. The illustrations are simple and leave enough space for the reader imagination to take over as well.

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Jack y los Frijoles Magicos - Ricardo Tercio

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