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El Nombre de Dios
El Nombre de Dios
El Nombre de Dios
Libro electrónico32 páginas5 minutos

El Nombre de Dios

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Sandy Sasso's award-winning classic for children of
all faiths, all backgrounds--available for the first time in Spanish!

Everyone and everything in the world has a name. What is God's name?

This modern fable about the search for God's name celebrates the diversity and, at the same time, the unity of all people of the world. Each seeker claims he or she alone knows the answer. Finally, they come together and learn what God's name really is, sharing the ultimate harmony of belief in one God by people of all faiths, all backgrounds.

Fecha de lanzamiento17 may 2013
El Nombre de Dios

Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso,a parent, spiritual leader, and storyteller, is the awardwinning author of God's Paintbrush, In God's Name, God In Between and many other inspiring books for children of all faiths and backgrounds. The second woman to be ordained as a rabbi (1974) and the first rabbi to become a mother, she and her husband, Dennis, were the first rabbinical couple to jointly lead a congregation—Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis. They have two children, David and Debora, and three grandchildren. Sasso, who holds a doctorate in ministry, is active in the interfaith community, and has written and lectured on the renewal of spirituality and the discovery of the religious imagination in children of all faiths. Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is available to speak on the following topics:/p> Nurturing the Spiritual Imagination of Children Tell Me a Story: Reading the Bible and the Religious Imagination of Children Filling in the Blanks: How Women Read the Bible Women and Judaism: A Personal Journey Midrash as a Tool for Spiritual Reflection

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Everyone and everything in the world has a name. What is God’s name? In poetic text and vibrant illustrations, this modern fable celebrates the diversity and, at the same time, the unity of all people. All the people of the world set out to find God’s name … and each of the many seekers is sure that he or she alone has found the right name, the only name, for God. Finally, they come together―and at last learn that God's name is all and everything. In God’s Name is a spiritual celebration of all people of the world and their belief in one God. In children's worship, at the end of this book, we all call out our special personal name for God together. It is a joyful sound.

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El Nombre de Dios - Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

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