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Siete hombres: Y el secreto de su grandeza
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Siete hombres: Y el secreto de su grandeza
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Siete hombres: Y el secreto de su grandeza
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Siete hombres: Y el secreto de su grandeza

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

En Siete Hombres, Eric Metaxas, uno de los autores más leídos del New York Times, presenta siete retratos cortos exquisitamente elaborados sobre hombres cristianos ampliamente conocidos ­­—aunque no del todo comprendidos—, cada uno de los cuales demuestra de forma singular su compromiso de vivir, bajo determinadas virtudes, en la verdad del evangelio.

Escrito en un hermoso y cautivador estilo, 7 Hombres aborda lo que significa (o debería significar) ser un hombre en la actualidad, en donde los medios y la cultura popular nos muestran imágenes de masculinidad diferentes a las que observamos en las Escrituras y en la vida civil histórica. ¿Qué significa realmente ser un modelo ejemplar como padre, hermano, esposo, líder, instructor, consejero, agente de cambio y hombre sabio? ¿Qué significa ser símbolo de honestidad, coraje y caridad, especialmente cuando la cultura y el mundo van en contra de esos valores?

Cada una de las siete biografías representa la vida de un hombre que luchó y afrontó desafíos, haciéndose fuerte ante circunstancias que hubieran acabado con la determinación de cualquier otro hombre. Los siete personajes reseñados —George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Juan Pablo II y Charles Colson— invitan al lector a seguir un camino y un estilo de vida superior, uno que sea reflejo del evangelio en el mundo que nos rodea.

EditorialThomas Nelson
Fecha de lanzamiento10 dic 2013
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Siete hombres: Y el secreto de su grandeza

Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther, If You Can Keep It, Miracles, Seven Women, Seven Men, and Amazing Grace. His books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the New Yorker, and Metaxas has appeared as a cultural commentator on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. He is the host of The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, a daily nationally syndicated show aired in 120 U.S. cities and on TBN. Metaxas is also the founder of Socrates in the City, the acclaimed series of conversations on “life, God, and other small topics,” featuring Malcolm Gladwell, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, Baroness Caroline Cox, and Dick Cavett, among many others. He is a senior fellow and lecturer at large at the King’s College in Manhattan, where he lives with his wife and daughter.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A quick but fascinating read into the lives of 7 men that helped change the world around them through their faith.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    the bad - literary version of an "ABC After-school special" and "Boy's Life" + a dash of blind protestant biases and smeared glossy whitewashing especially with Colson (fanboy to the extreme)the good - with most of the men presented Metaxas presents enough of a cliff note overview to their lives in case you'd like to explore more.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I’m a big fan of Eric Metaxas writing based on his biographies of William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What Metaxas does here is combine short biographies of seven Christian men into one book. In addition to Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer, looks at George Washington, Eric Liddell, Jackie Robinson, Pope John Paul II, and Chuck Colson. I found all of the biographies compelling, even the ones about which I had read about in the past. The biographies both intrigued and inspired me. My one complaint is that he did not attempt to draw any conclusions from the biographies. I expected that he would either show how each of the seven men exemplified on Christian attribute or show what they shared in common that made them who they were. Instead, it is just seven short, inspiring biographies. I found it well worth reading and would encourage anyone who wants to see what individual Christians can do to influence the world.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    7 Men And The Secret Of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas is a wonderfully well written book that brings to light the intentions of seven men, who by their own selfless actions, changed the course of history for countless lives. 7 Men by Eric Metaxas was an excellent read! I chose this book specifically because I had the privilege of listening to Eric Metaxas a few years ago as he spoke about his book, Bonhoeffer. His undeniable attention to detail combined with his obvious intelligence level (glad I have a Kindle to quickly decode some of his vocabulary) will hold the reader captive. In this book, 7 Men the author chooses seven men in history and proceeds to summarize their lives and highlight their convictions and courage to stand up for what they believe in. The men span across cultures, countries, and centuries, however, they all have a common thread running through their life, and that is the spirit of humility driven by a desire to serve others.I found this book to be an essential tool for parents in general, but specifically for those who are trying to raise up Godly men in the 21st Century. 7 Men by Eric Metaxas, gives tangible examples of men in history who have lived a life filled with challenges and yet these men were able to rise to each occasion and bring about an outcome that was reflective of a love for God and His people. This is a fast and insightful read that I am confident you will find not only enjoyable, but useful. Pre-order this book today.After reading this book, I am very excited to read Eric Metaxas' new book which will be released in September, 2015 titled: 7 Women and The Secret of Their Greatness. He gives a sneak peek to this new informative work on "great women" in history at the end of his book, 7 Men. It includes my "faith hero", Corrie Ten Boom! I canNOT wait!!Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishing for this review copy of 7 Men by Erick Metaxas provided through the BookLook Bloggers program. I was given this copy in exchange for an honest review of this work. The opinions expressed within this review are my own.