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Jesús en el tiempo presente: Las declaraciones 'YO SOY' de Cristo
Jesús en el tiempo presente: Las declaraciones 'YO SOY' de Cristo
Jesús en el tiempo presente: Las declaraciones 'YO SOY' de Cristo
Libro electrónico189 páginas15 horas

Jesús en el tiempo presente: Las declaraciones 'YO SOY' de Cristo

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Jesús en el tiempo presente es un recorrido a través de las afirmaciones del “Yo Soy” de nuestro Señor y cómo sus verdades se manifiestan en tu vida. Cuanto mejor entiendas lo que representan las afirmaciones del “Yo Soy”, más disfrutarás tu vida en el presente. Dios vive en el presente. ¿Y tú?

Las siete Afirmaciones del “Yo Soy” del Señor:

  • YO SOY el pan de vida
  • YO SOY la luz del mundo
  • YO SOY la puerta
  • YO SOY el buen pastor
  • YO SOY la resurrección y la vida
  • YO SOY el camino, la verdad y la vida
  • YO SOY la vid verdadera
EditorialThomas Nelson
Fecha de lanzamiento30 ene 2012
Jesús en el tiempo presente: Las declaraciones 'YO SOY' de Cristo

Warren W. Wiersbe

Warren W. Wiersbe, former pastor of the Moody Church and general director of Back to the Bible, has traveled widely as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. Because of his encouragement to those in ministry, Dr. Wiersbe is often referred to as "the pastor’s pastor." He has ministered in churches and conferences throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Central and South America, and Europe. Dr. Wiersbe has written over 150 books, including the popular BE series of commentaries on every book of the Bible, which has sold more than four million copies. At the 2002 Christian Booksellers Convention, he was awarded the Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Dr. Wiersbe and his wife, Betty, live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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Calificación: 4.466666666666667 de 5 estrellas

15 clasificaciones2 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Hermoso libro. Dios bendiga al autor y a la iglesia cristiana que ama el evangelio, que ama la Palabra.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I look forward to reading anything this author writes. I think he is one of my favorite bible teachers and commentators of this time. This book is about the I AM statements of Christ. It is absolutely powerful and compelling. If a person can read this and be totally unaffected I would wonder how. An experience with Christ demands a response - and this book brings the reader face to face with the great I AM! From the old testament all the way through the new Dr Wiersbe exposes these life-changing statements and exposes the foundational truths found in them. By doing so he enables the reader to become fully grounded in truth of Christ. This enables them to be consumed by this mighty God and to be changed, free to live and serve the way you were created to.

    Excellent for personal growth or group study.

    Thank you B&B Communications for this review copy.

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Jesús en el tiempo presente - Warren W. Wiersbe

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