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La corte de Carlos IV
La corte de Carlos IV
La corte de Carlos IV
Audiolibro8 horas

La corte de Carlos IV

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La Corte de Carlos IV es el segundo Episodio Nacional de Benito Pérez Galdós. En esta novela, y tras la épica de "Trafalgar", el autor nos trae una historia de cómicos y cortesanas a caballo entre Madrid y El Escorial. Y si en la primera entrega de la serie Gabriel Araceli siente el despertar del patriotismo, en la Corte de Carlos IV encuentra, a sus 16 años, la consciencia y el valor de su propia dignidad y honor, en esta memorable obra, intensa en amoríos e intrigas.

La novela narra los acontecimientos de la "conspiración de El Escorial" de 1807, una intentona fallida encabezada por el futuro Rey Fernando VII para provocar la caída del "favorito" Manuel Godoy y, probablemente, hacer abdicar en su favor a sus padres, todo ello con las tropas de Napoleón entrando ya en España, supuestamente, hacia Portugal. Pero tan importante e interesante resulta este episodio como la descripción de los ambientes teatrales de principios del siglo XIX, en una historia que Galdós puebla de personajes históricos, sin dejar de dar voz al Madrid popular.

La Corte de Carlos IV is the 2nd National Episode by Benito Pérez Galdós. The author brings us a story of actors and courtesans between Madrid and El Escorial, and while our young protagonist finds, at 16 years of age, the conscience and the value of his own dignity and honor, in a memorable work intense in love affairs and intrigues.

The novel narrates the events of the "conspiracy of El Escorial" (1807), a failed attempt led by the future King Ferdinand VII to provoke the fall of the "favorite" Manuel Godoy and the abdication of his parents, all this with Napoleon's troops already entering Spain, supposedly on their way to Portugal. But this episode is as important and interesting as the description of the theatrical environments of the early 19th century, in a story populated with historical characters and the humble people of Madrid.

Diseño de portada/Cover art design: David Rubiales

Fecha de lanzamiento6 jun 2024

Benito Pérez Galdós

Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) was a Spanish novelist. Born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, he was the youngest of ten sons born to Lieutenant Colonel Don Sebastián Pérez and Doña Dolores Galdós. Educated at San Agustin school, he travelled to Madrid to study Law but failed to complete his studies. In 1865, Pérez Galdós began publishing articles on politics and the arts in La Nación. His literary career began in earnest with his 1868 Spanish translation of Charles Dickens’ Pickwick Papers. Inspired by the leading realist writers of his time, especially Balzac, Pérez Galdós published his first novel, La Fontana de Oro (1870). Over the next several decades, he would write dozens of literary works, totaling 31 fictional novels, 46 historical novels known as the National Episodes, 23 plays, and 20 volumes of shorter fiction and journalism. Nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times without winning, Pérez Galdós is considered the preeminent author of nineteenth century Spain and the nation’s second greatest novelist after Miguel de Cervantes. Doña Perfecta (1876), one of his finest works, has been adapted for film and television several times.

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