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Muerto y enterrado (Dead & Gone)
Muerto y enterrado (Dead & Gone)
Muerto y enterrado (Dead & Gone)
Audiolibro9 horas

Muerto y enterrado (Dead & Gone)

Escrito por Charlaine Harris

Narrado por Amanda Reeves

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Para Sookie Stackhouse, las actividades del día a día de los vampiros y cambiantes de la comunidad de Bon Temps y alrededores, en Luisiana, son de vital interés. Tiene un vínculo de sangre con el rey de los vampiros, es amiga del grupo de cambiantes local, trabaja para un hombre que puede transformarse en cualquier animal, y tiene un hermano pantera# Aunque para la mayor parte de la población humana, los vampiros son criaturas misteriosas y seductoras, y eso que ni siquiera saben de la existencia de los cambiantes# Hasta ahora. Se han decidido a seguir la línea de los no muertos y revelar por fin su existencia al resto del mundo. Al principio todo parece ir como la seda# hasta que el cuerpo mutilado de una pantera aparece en el parking del Merlotte#s. La víctima es alguien conocido, por lo que se ve obligada a descubrir quién ##humano o no## ha sido el perpetrador de tal hazaña. Sin embargo, un peligro todavía mayor que el susodicho asesino amenaza Bon Temps. Una raza de seres mayores, más sabios y mucho más reservados que los vampiros o los cambiantes, se prepara para una guerra. Y Sookie se verá convertida en el títere humano de todos ellos en su batalla.
TraductorOmar El Kashef
Fecha de lanzamiento15 mar 2022
Muerto y enterrado (Dead & Gone)

Charlaine Harris

Charlaine Harris is a New York Times bestselling author who has been writing for over thirty years. She was born and raised in the Mississippi River Delta area. She has written four series, and two stand-alone novels, in addition to numerous short stories, novellas, and graphic novels (cowritten with Christopher Golden). Her Sookie Stackhouse books have appeared in twenty-five different languages and on many bestseller lists. They’re also the basis of the HBO series True Blood. Harris now lives in Texas, and when she is not writing her own books, she reads omnivorously. Her house is full of rescue dogs.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I thought the book was good, but I'm just not feeling the same about these books as I did in the beginning. Sometimes I feel like the writer just doesn't have her heart into these books anymore and it's all about publishing more books.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The ninth book in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series was a good one! The book starts with the shapeshifters and were-animals of the world revealing their true nature; since the vampires did it a few years back, these supes (supernaturals) figured it was safe to do as well. And it doesn't go that badly. However, it does get some people riled up. This time, Sookie Stackhouse, the telepath waitress in Bon Temps, Louisiana, gets caught in the middle of a fairy war. But first she is trying, again, to make sure her brother doesn't go to jail for another ghastly murder - this time of a werepanther, her brother's ex-wife, who gets crucified. I really enjoyed this one.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    It had been a while since I read the previous book in the series, but it was easy to re-immerse into Sookie's world. Plenty of twists to keep the reader guessing, with a satisfying amount of resolutions, but also with plenty of scope for the next story.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Finally all of the stuff with the Fae comes together and we gain a little understanding on their role in Sookie's life. I thought that this was an improvement to the last book, but still lacking the spark from the earlier books. I don't understand why Claudine's death happened behind the scenes. She deserved better than that. Also, the final battle was anti-climatic. There were no severe consequences of the war and things seemed to be resolved in a few pages. I suppose Sookie being kidnapped was severe, but it was only for a few hours and then she was ready to kill a bunch of fairies (after being tortured). Apparently, she has a really strong body because every time she is significantly injured, she is ready to fight the next page. But god forbid someone says something with a little attitude because then she is crying. Hopefully we will get to see an improvement with Sookie and Eric's relationship with the added layer of a vampire marriage to it. It sounds promising at least, even if Sookie thinks it's wrong for him to not ask her first. Of course she ignores the fact that this is an added layer of protection.Last complaint- Why is Bill still dropping an, "I love you" bomb on Sookie any chance he gets? She is done with you, move on!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Currently reading. Being an Eric fangirl, i'm of course delighted with Eric's back story, and I just finished the part where he mailed a sexy picture of himself to Sookie. RiDONKulous, but awesome. Hoping for some ESN in the future.

    The rest of the book is fine so far, pretty average. She handled the outing of the weres pretty well. Interested in this fairy war thing.


    Okay, the Eric-Sookie-nookie was pretty outstanding, and their relationship talk was a good one -- Eric not being overbearing, always wanting to listen to Sookie and give her what he can. I have high hopes for these two, which I have a feeling Harris will shortly destroy, because people can't be happy in relationships in these books.

    I almost forgot to note, and Harris may have done this on purpose because Eric does watch Buffy in the fourth book: his wife's name was Aude! I smell Anyanka/Eric Northman crossovers! They're both about a thousand years old, too. Okay, so he is a troll and not a vampire, but still. I cheered when he said, "Her name was Aud." Fuck yes.


    Another Charlaine Harris marker: the old cliché of villains speechifying their entire plans and explaining all the loose ends of the plot to Sookie. So silly!

    Is it wrong that I don't hate Bill? I know most people do, but I kind of feel for him.


    Oh, I love the hospital scene with Eric. I love him even more now. I'm kind of annoyed with her Bill versus Eric setup -- "But Bill will DIE for Sookie!" and the advice from Niall. Whatever, I know she can't make it all happily ever after with Eric.

    I felt this book was better plotted than the past few, much more coherent. A good way to end my crazy binge of these books.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book made me question everything about Bill and Sookie. At the end of the book I was really begining to think maybe Sookie was wrong about Bill and should give him another chance. I like Eric, but I really thought maybe she shouldn't have giving up on Bill so quickly. Of course I am a huge Sam fan and I think she should be with Sam, but that is just me. I can't wait till the next book comes out.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I quite enjoyed this book. It was sad in many places, frightening in others, but those things made it a great read. The ending was particularly sad (and in some ways mysterious) and it makes me wonder what's next for Sookie and her friends.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    *Duplicate Copy* I absolutely loved this book and this series! I got involved with this series before True Blood became a show and I couldn't quit reading. I ended up getting all caught up and then had to wait each year for the next to come out until Harris finally reached the end of the series (I was devastated and wanted more Sookie Stackhouse in my life). It's been nearly 10 years since I read the first one and probably getting close to time for a re-read!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Dead and Gone
    4 Stars

    In this book, the weres and shifters have decided to reveal their existence to the world at large and not everyone is excited about the disclosure. The situation is exacerbated when the crucified body of a were is discovered in Merlotte's parking lot and Sookie feels compelled to investigate as the victim is someone close to her.

    As if this weren't bad enough, Sookie also finds herself caught in the middle of a war between fae factions, each with their own agenda. Sookie soon learns the hard way that the vampires and weres are nothing compared to the fae when it comes to cruelty and viciousness.

    On the romance front, Sookie and Eric take their relationship to the next level, but it is unclear how long this will last given their significantly different approaches to life and love.

    In sum, this is one of the more exciting and actions packed installments in the series and there are some truly intense and nail-biting moments. On a final note, although Bill will never completely atone for his actions, he does go a long way toward redeeming himself in this book and my hopes for his demise have been put on hold...
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Left me wanting more! Things have taken a turn.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    More from Sookie Stackhouse, and what can I say about this series that I haven't already said. The writing is consistent, the characters are dynamic and relatable and the plotting is always suspenseful.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Another continuation of the Sookie Stackhouse saga. This time we learn more about the faerie world. Lots of sadness in this book. Can't say much about this book without giving the plot away. But if you are enjoying the Sookie Stackhouse series this one is another good installment to the story. Listen to this series as an audio book, Joanna does a fantastic job reading it.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I can't believe Eric and Sookie are married!!!! I liked that Sookie have fairy blood! it explains alot :) I guess I had enough from this series for a while. I can't read anymore!! Sookie is gonna get herself killed by almost dying everytime, I felt sorry for her a lot, I almost cried when she described how she is wishing to die.

    Sookie Stackhouse has become thoroughly involved in the lives of "supes"—vampires, weres, shifters, and faries. She's in a romantic relationship with the vampire Eric, is a friend to the local Were pack, works for a man who is a Shifter, and has a brother and sister-in-law who are werepanthers. However, the outer world is only aware of the existence of vampires. But in this novel, the Weres and shifters make their presence known, following the example of the vampires. At the same time, the King of Nevada, who now leads Louisiana as well, begins consolidating his power, which has a number of repercussions.

    The revelation of the existence of weres and shifters causes some problems. Sookie's boss, Sam Merlotte, reveals to the community that he is a shifter, and Tray Dawson reveals he is a Were, with both men changing into their animal forms at Merlotte's Bar on the evening of the announcement. Most residents of Bon Temps take the new revelation fairly well—Merlotte's initially sees some business slowdown, but then it returns to normal. However, Merlotte's waitress Arlene, who has been dating a member of the Fellowship of the Sun, takes the revelation badly and quits her job in a fury. Sam's mother, who is also a shifter, gets shot by Sam's step-father, and Sam's non-shifter siblings, who did not know their parents and brother were shifters, have some troubles related to the announcement. Sam leaves Bon Temps to help his mother and leaves Sookie in temporary charge of the bar.

    Meanwhile the King of Nevada, Felipe de Castro, is consolidating his power in Louisiana. Eric, as the only Louisiana Sheriff to survive the defeat of Queen Sophie-Anne's reign, is in a tenuous position and struggles with Victor Madden, the king's representative. Eric fears the king will try to kidnap Sookie to use in his Nevada business dealings, so Eric marries Sookie, tricking her into it, because she is unfamiliar with vampire marriage protocols. She is not happy about it, but there is little she can do. The marriage is recognized only by vampires.

    Then Sookie starts to have further complications. The FBI comes to speak with her about her role in finding people during the collapse of the Pyramid of Gizeh. Then, the mutilated and crucified body of Jason's pregnant werepanther wife is found in the parking lot of Merlotte's, leading Sookie to think it's a hate crime against the recently revealed Weres. Using her mind-reading abilities, Sookie learns that Arlene and her Fellowship of the Sun friends want to crucify Sookie, so she has them arrested. However, Sookie realizes that despite their bloodthirstyness, they did not crucify Crystal Stackhouse, but rather intended to commit a copycat crime.

    Sookie learns that her great-grandfather, Niall, is a fairy, and still alive. He wants to get to know her, but Sookie also learns that the Fairies are engaged in a deadly war, with Sookie stuck in the middle. Two psychotic fairies (Lochlan and Neave) are killing all humans with partial Fairy blood, because they believe that they are the reason for the declining birth rate among the full-blooded fae. It is they who killed Jason Stackhouse's wife, since she was pregnant with a partial fae child. Those same fairies killed Sookie's parents, since her father was 1/4 fae. And then they kidnap Sookie and torture her in order to get her great-grandfather to surrender. Sookie is rescued by Bill and Niall, but not before being greatly traumatized and possibly mortally wounded. Eric gives her more of his blood, but must stop for fear if he gives her more that she'll turn into a vampire. In a bloody confrontation with Breandan, the leader of the faction challenging Niall, Sookie's fairy godmother, Claudine (who is pregnant), is killed, as is Trey Dawson, Sookie's Were bodyguard and boyfriend to Sookie's roommate Amelia Broadway. Sookie is saved by Eric and Bill, who kill Breandan. Niall then decides to seal off Faery, and bids Sookie farewell.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This book has even more complications than the previous....This is also rather violent in comparison to the other books in the series. Although the violence isn't graphic, the description of Sookie's pain & wounds were enough to turn me off . At least it was towards the end of the book.

    The weres are "out", Her whoring sister-in-law is murdered (shame that), the FBI want to "own" Sookie, Eric protects her from the new Vampire King by tricking her into being his 'mate", & the bad faeries are after Sookie.

    Okay fine and good, but when she starts talking about being a 'christian" and what would a good one do, and how she's a "bad one'....well CRAP! Real magical beings don't worry about being good or bad, let alone "christians" and that just about ruined the book for me.

    If I want 'christian' fiction, I'll read it, but I don' hopefully Charlaine Harris will cut the crap.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoy reading these books because they're light and fun and easy to read. This latest book is very Eric-centric (for you Eric fans out there) but centers around a rift within the fairy realm. Sookie gets sucked into the war because her great-grandfather, Niall, is one of the two fairy princes at war with each other. But don't fret, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and witches are all part of Sookie's life so they're all in this book.

    And, I am very pleased to say, my favorite literary character of all time makes an appearance, Bubba. If you don't know who Bubba is, pick up the first book in this Southern Vampire Series called Dead Until Dark. If you've watched the first season of the HBO series based on these books, True Blood, you will have missed out on the insanity that is Bubba. It's your loss.

    These aren't the deepest books in the world, but if you're looking for something fun and light to read on the beach this summer I would recommend these.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Better than the last one!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A bit of a letdown. Enjoyable, but kind of rambling and not as satisfying as it could have been.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I completely did not expect to finish this book so quickly, but I just couldn't put it down, I wanted to know what was going to happen. In this book the weres come out and not long afterwards Crystal, Jason's pregnant wife is found dead in the parking lot of Merlotte's crucified on a cross. Naturally everyone thinks it's a hate crime. Sam is gone because his stepfather didn't handle the revelation and shot his mother so Sookie is in charge when Crystal is found. Arlene in a fit of intolerance quits her job at Merlotte's, so Sookie is working extra shifts and trying to find replacements. Additionally, her great grandfather is embroiled in a fairy war and his enemies are coming after Sookie in a big way.
    With all these things going on Sookie doesn't feel capable of dealing with her feelings regarding all the things going on around her, so she does seem to go about in a daze. There is also a lack of description regarding her time with the evil fairies. I know other reviewers have complained about this, but honestly I think it's realistic. With all of the different things going on in this book and other things going on in Sookie's life who could really process any of it in a meaningful way. When you are just trying to stay alive, you don't necessarily deal with your feelings regarding the men in your life. I also really appreciate the lack of description regarding the torture. Books are a form of escapism for me, horrible things happen in the real world all the time, I don't need an in depth description of someone's obviously terrible experience being tortured. The brief description of how she felt and kept hoping someone would save her was enough for me.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    There was a little more action in this book than the previous few. I was starting to feel that the story was beginning to drag on, but this one picked it up a little.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    This book ended the love affair with the telepathic waitress from Bon Temps. I can't help but feel that Harris has lost track of the original story and is just making things up because her contract has been extended. The fairy crap is just getting out of hand. And what did Claudine do to deserve that fate? I haven't loved this series since All Together Dead but still held out hope it could turn around. Not anymore.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I followed up the Twilight series with the Sookie Stackhouse series. A good, soft transition into more paranormal romance. Too much hype for Charlaine Harris's books because of the HBO series than deserved. The HBO series is fine; the books are fine, but the plot/mystery of each book is simple. Very quick read -- straightforward plot with friendly characters that are easy to like. If you enjoy paranormal, you will probably enjoy this series, but there truly are more gripping, non-plain vanilla paranormal series out there (both in terms of adult scenes and dynamic realtionships between various beings in the paranormal realm). My 4-star rating is based on my thoughts just after reading, but would probably garner only 3-stars after having read Alexancer Ivy, Jacqueline Frank and Gena Showalter. I stopped reading this series after the 9th book...
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Easily the best and most brutal of the series. Great sex scene... and, wow, the torture and death and war...
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I like this book. I will not say is my favorite from the Sookie Stackhouse series but was ok. I like it. Something were very interesting and it takes Bill back to the scene. In the last books I just did not like him. But know he take his good way and I wonder what Charlaine will do next in relation to this love triangle...
    Can´t wait to may...
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Sookie Stackhouse books should not be confused with the True Blood series. Characters are from the book and the setting is from the book, but that is about it. Harris has created a world of vampires and fairies, weres and things that go bump in the night. As a book series it is fun and rich with details. There are some of the books that worked better than others. I enjoyed the plots and the way the characters developed in the novels much more than the show and eventually stopped watching. It was too confusing keep two different plot lines going for the same characters. I highly recommend people to read the series. As i wrote before some of the novels are great and some are just so so. I am not particularly fond of the last book because it seem so rush and out of character. Over great series and a reread.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Easy and light, just like the rest of the series. Read it in a day. Looking forward to getting the DVD adaptation in my NetFlix
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Dead and Gone continues with Sookie in trouble again. This time it is the Fae world at war with each other. Some Fairies only want them to live in the Fairy world while others want to have the right to live in both the human and Fae world. Also the Were and Shapeshifters decide to reveal themselves to the world. This is met with mixed emotions by the humans. The reveal sparks a death of a supe from Hot Shot.I found some of the story boring because there is rehash of different things that have happened in past books. I found myself somewhat skipping those parts or just skimming over them. Sookie is not involved with anyone at the start of this book. Her and Bill are over, even though Bill is still in love with her. Eric has feelings for Sookie but does he love her, that is the question you will be asking yourself by the end of this book.Sookies Great-Grandfather Naill is again in this book. You learn more about Sookie's past. Jason and Sookie are slowly trying to get their relationship back. I will finish this series just not sure when.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Better than the last Sookie book, but this one is FAR darker than any of the others. By the end, I was just was so sad.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    By this time, if you've read the series you know what to expect. There were some new supernatural introductions. I felt that some of the scenes had too much build up and then were resolved too quickly. I would have liked some more suspension. I'll still be reading the next one.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Dear Laurell K. Hamilton,
    Take a page (get it!) from Ms Harris here and in your next book have some awesome battle scenes and kill off some loveable, but unnecessary characters to keep things focused on your main character. To many fiction characters is not good for my schizophrenia. Thanks!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Good continuation to this series. I am excited to see where things are going with the continued question of who will she choose who does she love....I am totally Team Eric :)