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Mantra for Healing & Protection from Negativity

Mantra for Healing & Protection from Negativity

DeMúsica para el Alma

Mantra for Healing & Protection from Negativity

DeMúsica para el Alma

71 minutos
7 nov 2017
Episodio de podcast


Guru Guru Wahe Guru
Guru Ram Das Guru

This Ashang Mantra relates directly to healing and protective energy represented by Guru Ram Das. It has four parts. The first part - the first 4 words - Guru Guru Wahe Guru, project your own infinite power out to the universe and 2nd part brings the Infinite energy and wisdom inside. "Gu" means darkness and "Ru" means the light, Guru is the one which takes us from darkness to light. This chant is also designed to heal and activate chakras and is used in Kundalini Yoga Meditation Practice. Each part of this mantra resonates with our 7 chakras.

GURU — 1st chakra, base of spine

GURU — 2nd chakra, sex organ, abdomen

WAHE (hay) — 3rd chakra, navel

GURU — 4th chakra, heart

GURU — 5th chakra, throat

RAM DAS — 6th chakra, third eye

GURU — 7th chakra, top of head

As you meditate with this mantra, feel your own body and soul, your whole self, become part of that infinite energy, that cosmic wisdom....
7 nov 2017
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (48)

MUSICA PARA EL ALMA La música que a mi me llega, que me transmite, que me hace sentir. Comparto con vosotros mis joyas músicales. Somos lo que escuchamos y escuchamos lo que somos. La mejor canción no es la más compleja de componer sino la que llega al alma con mas facilidad.... Os recomiendo mis temas... mis dosis de sentimientos.