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Essay ► Will the Church be able to stay awake with the Master? ► Lucas Magnin

Essay ► Will the Church be able to stay awake with the Master? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

Essay ► Will the Church be able to stay awake with the Master? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

15 minutos
9 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast


• The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in power: CONCLUSION •
History teaches us quite clearly concerning the dangers that the Church, at an institutional level and as a whole, carries when it aligns itself behind a political, economic, or cultural project. Recognizing all this should not lead us to fuga Mundi, or "flight from the world"; this could lead to the desire to escape out of history under a supposedly "apolitical" banner or out of fear of getting involved in "issues of this world". Christians are called to make the exodus to the reign of Christ, but that is not the same as a self-imposed exile from all social, historical, or political involvement. The Kingdom of God lives in permanent eschatological tension; it is, in the language of theologians, "already, but not yet". When we only remember one of these truths, we lose our balance. Giving up the gospel's radical proposal to seek more prestigious solutions often means giving up the creative power of the Christian faith.
9 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (61)

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