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Essay ► The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in power ► Lucas Magnin

Essay ► The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in power ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

Essay ► The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in power ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

58 minutos
29 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast


• Created by Lucas Magnin. Translated and narrated by Stephen Di Trolio •
This is a series of Video Essays in which I want to reflect on the relationship between Christians and temporal powers (the state); this is an adaptation from my book “The Ultimate Betrayal: The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in Power, illustrated by Almendra Fantilli and published by Ediciones del Altillo at the end of 2019. Countless books have been written on this topic, and a great deal of thought has been given to the dialogue between faith and politics. But more than relying on fashionable political theories or on the old prejudices of the Enlightenment, I would like to look at the example of Jesus and the testimony of the first Christians for some ways that allow us to reconstruct a model of action that can remain relevant in the XXI century.
29 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (61)

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