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Essay ► What place should Faith have in a Secular Society? ► Lucas Magnin

Essay ► What place should Faith have in a Secular Society? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

Essay ► What place should Faith have in a Secular Society? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

9 minutos
3 nov 2020
Episodio de podcast


• The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in power: INTRODUCTION •
This is the first part of a six part video essay in which I want to reflect on the relationship between Christians and temporal powers (the state). Countless books have been written on this topic, and a great deal of thought has been given to the dialogue between faith and politics. But more than relying on fashionable political theories or on the old prejudices of the Enlightenment, I would like to look at the example of Jesus and the testimony of the first Christians for some ways that allow us to reconstruct a model of action that can remain relevant in the XXI century.
3 nov 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (61)

¡Bienvenidos/as! Aquí encontrarán algunas charlas, mensajes, reflexiones, sermones, conferencias y prédicas sobre las cosas que me atraviesan: Dios, la espiritualidad, el arte, la literatura y la música, la época en la que vivimos, la Biblia, la cultura popular, el cine, la filosofía, la historia... en pocas palabras: el misterio de la existencia. ¡Seguimos la conversación en las redes! En Instagram (lucas_magnin), Facebook (lucasmagninoficial) y Twitter (lucas_magnin).