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Essay ► Church and State. Are they separate issues? ► Lucas Magnin

Essay ► Church and State. Are they separate issues? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

Essay ► Church and State. Are they separate issues? ► Lucas Magnin

DeLucas Magnin ★ Teología Pop

8 minutos
27 nov 2020
Episodio de podcast


• The Triumph and Shame of Christianity in Power: CHAPTER 3 •
The Christian faith has, in many ways, allied itself with the power of its day throughout history. Today, in the western hemisphere, there are two examples we can quickly identify. In the first place, the remnants of colonial Catholicism in Latin American countries. For another example, we can point to evangelicalism’s political wing in the United States. Identifying a (more or less) state religion is very apparent in these cases, but is it that Constantinianism is an imminent danger only for “the right”?  There is a phenomenon among many “ex-churched” Christians who have begun to see social claims, perhaps without much reflection on the theological implications of those ideas, as a manifestation of the Kingdom of God.
27 nov 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (61)

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