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A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural
A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural
A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural
Libro electrónico70 páginas1 hora

A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural

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You will learn the answers to the following questions based on the bestseller theories, concepts and ideas:


Is It Possible To Change Your Reality?

How To Start Walking This Path?

How Does The Human Brain Work?

How Does The Past Impact Each Of Your Days?

What Role Do Emotions Play?

How Can The Brain Help In This Transformation?

What Is The Relationship Between Attention And Energy?

Is It Possible To Get Out Of This Spiral?

How Does One Enter The Quantum Plane?

How To Embody The Realities Of The Quantum Plane In The World Of Matter?

What Are The Energy Centers Of The Body And How Do They Work?

What Happens To The Energy Flowing From These Centers?

What Can Be Done To Increase Energy?

What Is The Place Of Meditation In The Increase Of Energy?

Is The Heart A Special Organ?

How Do We Perceive Time?

What Does Living In Three-Dimensional Space-Time Reality Imply?

What Is The Reality That Transcends The Material?

How Many Realities Are Possible In This Quantum World?

How Does One Transit From Thought And Energy To Matter?

How To Expand The Unified Field?

Can These Ideas Be Put Into Action To Create A Better World?

Do You Want A Happy And Harmonious World?



The concepts explored in the program 'Supernatural' demonstrate that your existence is subject to change. In order to do this, you will need to treat a goal or a desire that you have for the future as if it were already your reality in the here and now. This will cause your mind and body, indeed your whole being, to have the sensation that this future has already arrived, and it will also set in action emotional and physiological processes that will manifest this new reality in your everyday life. Your body as a whole will undergo a self-reorganization process to accommodate this new reality. And in this manner, possibilities will be reallocated so that the unfavorable situations of your past will be eliminated, and in their stead, you will have the circumstances in the present that you wish to have.

Fecha de lanzamiento6 nov 2022
A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural

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    A Complete Guide To Becoming Supernatural - Fast Knowledge Books


    Everyone who wishes to be successful in life should read this book since it contains helpful information. In it, the book's author, Joe Dispenza, outlines a straightforward plan for one's own expansion and improvement. What is the fundamental idea behind this process of personal development? The awareness that every individual has latent talents and potentialities that are already present in him but untapped provides the foundation for the project. The human race is not even aware of this potential, and as a result, they do not work to develop it or make use of it in any way. It is a great energy that is unknown to man that resides inside him and enables him to accomplish everything he puts his mind to.

    This book presents a straightforward and easy-to-understand model that will direct you toward the fullest possible expression of your potential in all aspects of your life, including your physical health and appearance, your relationships with other people, your career, and your long-term objectives.

    If you put the advice in this book into practice, one of the benefits you'll experience is that you may go down this road at whatever speed is most comfortable for you. There is no hurry and no pressure. Every individual will go along their own unique path.

    This is the core message of the book 'Supernatural,' which is that the act of reading it paves the way for success and broadens the vista of accomplishments as far as a person is willing to go, no matter who they are. Everyone's life will change as a result of this new viewpoint. This book will help people from all walks of life, including engineers, housewives, students, specialized employees, scientists, and professionals, discover a fresh perspective on life that will enable them to reach anywhere in the world they want to go. You will also get the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a contributor to the development of a world in which people coexist peacefully and joyfully with one another.

    What are the pillars upon which this fresh viewpoint is built?

    This book is based on the author's observations of the lives of regular individuals whose experiences lead them to accomplishments they had never believed possible. It compiles enormous amounts of material that has been developed using an interdisciplinary approach. The author used the fields of epigenetics, molecular biology, neurocardiology, and quantum physics in order to achieve this goal. The given concepts dissolve the barriers that normally divide people's experiences from those of the scientific community. A fresh perspective takes shape, along with a mode of thought and behavior that is not only founded on what the scientific community deems to be feasible, but also on what individuals feel to be realizable.

    The concepts discussed in this book are supported by Joe

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