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Baker Y Taylor: En busca del anillo perdido (Baker and Taylor: The Hunt for the Missing Ring)
Baker Y Taylor: En busca del anillo perdido (Baker and Taylor: The Hunt for the Missing Ring)
Baker Y Taylor: En busca del anillo perdido (Baker and Taylor: The Hunt for the Missing Ring)
Libro electrónico32 páginas6 minutos

Baker Y Taylor: En busca del anillo perdido (Baker and Taylor: The Hunt for the Missing Ring)

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Everyone’s favorite library cats are on the road again! Baker and Taylor are in the windy city to help Taylor’s cousin Jordan find a precious family heirloom.

The next stop on Baker and Taylor’s literary road trip: Chicago. But, before they can get any library lounging done, they’re bent on helping Taylor’s cousin Jordan find their grandmother’s golden ring, a gift that she’s misplaced. As they retrace Jordan’s steps in search of the ring, they find themselves on an impromptu sightseeing extravaganza that leads them to the most unexpected discovery.

Facts on Chicago and its landmarks are dispersed throughout.
EditorialPaw Prints
Fecha de lanzamiento27 dic 2022
Baker Y Taylor: En busca del anillo perdido (Baker and Taylor: The Hunt for the Missing Ring)

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    Baker Y Taylor - Candy Rodó

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