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MyaGrace quiere hacer música: Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación
MyaGrace quiere hacer música: Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación
MyaGrace quiere hacer música: Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación
Libro electrónico35 páginas2 minutos

MyaGrace quiere hacer música: Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación

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"This is a wonderful story, complimented with beautiful photographs. Children will relate to the joy in learning to do something that is important to them, especially when it's something they can participate in with their family!"

Fecha de lanzamiento6 nov 2015
MyaGrace quiere hacer música: Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación

Jo Meserve Mach

Jo Meserve Mach (author) spent 36 years as an Occupational Therapist. She is very passionate about sharing the stories of children with special needs. Jo embraces the joy that individuals with disabilities bring to our communities through their unique gifts. Jo is cofounder of Finding My Way Books, which offers tools to help children without disabilities realize that children with disabilities are kids just like them. Readers and teachers love her books, which they describe as "great," "fabulous," which "showcase how a person with a disability can be a mentor to others," and "make the teachable moments and situations perfect for young students." They are recommended for parents, teachers, elementary school libraries, homeschoolers, and anyone who wants a more just and inclusive world.

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